I've been trying to do the linearization of the pPICZalfaA plasmid. The Easy Select kit (Invitrogen) says to use the restriction enzymes PmeI, SacI or BstXI. My insert does not have restriction site for these enzymes. I have been trying with the PmeI and SacI (from NEB) with 6 microg of plasmid for 20U of enzyme. Also, I checked the reaction at 1h, 2h, 3h, 5h and 16h after incubation in 37°C. However, I obtained 3 bands in every linearizations that I tried... I don't know if this is correct, I think I should see only a single band, right? My questions are: How many bands should I see after the linearization? If I proceed to transformation, will the Pichia pastoris incorporate the plasmid and express the protein? Could anyone suggest a protocol for linearization with this enzymes?

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