First, smooth the data if it is really noisy or there is a shift in the ground level, otherwise don't.
1. Smoothing can be done by selecting the colomn-->analysis-->signal processing-->smooth. here you can adjust your parameters in dialogue box.
2. For multiple curves: gather all Raman data in one sheet-->select all y-axes-->right click-->plot-->multi-curve. you have many options here. Using waterfall its possible to shift the curves in x and y direction plus feel of 3D.
Hi Abhay, thank you very much for your suggestions. Yes, in some of my Raman data is very noisy and shift in the ground level, i find it tough to make it level. I would like to know, what to do with these type of data. And, if you do not mind, would you please give me your email, i would like to keep in touch with you. Thanks
you can first tranfer the original data of the Raman spectrum into .txt file, then,paste the data into Originlab columns, note please, you can only choose one X-axis.
Each txt file make one book 1,book2,book 3 then select one book and make graph and right click on left corner of the graph you can find layer content then move all the book into it then you can get all in one spectra