08 August 2014 24 7K Report

Is my calculation correct?

Lets say my drug system is matrix/microsphere; dried and obtained powder.

Entrapment/Encapsulation Efficiency %= (Experimental drug content/total drug content) x 100

Weight of powder produced= 1.6532 gm

Weight of drug added in beginning = 1.5 gm 

Standard calibration Curve of Drug = 0.05X ; R2=0.993

Procedure: 10mg of powder mixed with 20ml ethyl acetate; sonicated 12 minutes; centrifuged; supernatant filter with 0.45µm and absorbance taken. 

Absorbance over 2; so diluted 10 times

So diluted powder-ethyl acetate solution=  0.093 A

In 10mg powder, concentration of drug = 1.86ppm X 10= 18.6ppm 

 =18.6 ppm x 20ml= 372µg.

Assuming 10mg = 372µg. So in 1.6532 gm; there is 61499.04 µg or 0.06149904 gm.

Entrapment/Encapsulation Efficiency %= ((0.06149904 gm) / 1.5 gm x 100 ) = 4.1%

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