I had prepared 4% thioglycollate (BD Biosciences, cat# 211716) in ddH2O, autoclaved and aliquoted in 15 ml sterile tube, and stored it at 4 dc in the dark around 8-9 months ago. During the time of preparation it was light brown to straw in color but now it has completely turned green, maybe due to oxidation. My questions concerning this are: (1) can I use this oxidized 4% thioglycollate to elicit murine peritoneal macrophage and is it toxic for macrophages, (2) will it affect the yield/quality of the macrophage, (3) why do people prefer to use aged thioglycollate over freshly prepared, and (4) can I use freshly prepared thioglycollate to elicit murine peritoneal macrophage?

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