Hey guys. I am trying to acclimatize seaweed of Kappaphycus alvarezii in a recirculating system with filtration (corals, carbon active, filter cotton and bioball). I preserved the fresh, healthy seaweed in a cool box of 4 degree celcius from seaweed cultivation field to my laboratory in about 9 hours. Right after arriving at the laboratory, I placed the seaweed in chilled condition in the aquarium filled with seawater. Then in about 5 hours after that, I observed the seaweed's appearance and realized that the seaweed appeared to be wrinkled and shrinked; there were also thick green lines in about 1 cm which I assume to be the chlorophylls, while the rest of the seaweed color is still green but less green than the ''chlorophylls''.
I presume that there were mistakes in the method of preservation. Is it ok to still preserve the seaweed in chilled condition to acclimatize it in the laboratory? Or maybe I should have waited the cold seaweed to turn warmer in a room temperature before placing it in the aquarium...
Could someone please help me with this?
Thank you very much beforehand :)