it depends on how you can prepare your protein complexes. Is your organism sequenced? If so, you could copurify your unknown proteins and analyze them by mass spectrometry. A prerequisite for this is that you have a data base for identification and of course the possibility to run your samples on a mass spectrometer.
Can you provide more information about your investigation? For a laboratory experiment, is the protein complex pure, the components intact, and non-covalent? Are you dealing with a mixture of various complexes since you write the word proteins in the plural?
Are you doing an in silico analysis or a survey and want to know if any known proteins are associated with other proteins that you want to find? If a protein of a particular species is known then likely databases or the literature will describe with what it can associate.
Are you referring to a known class of proteins but not a specific one and want to find out if it is binding a protein ligand or binding other subunits such as with enzymes and receptors?
Perhaps you are asking how to detect the formation of a complex once you mix a known protein with a mixture of unknown proteins; for example, Biacore, native gel, ultracentrifugation, pull downs, SEC, etc.?