Dear AutoDockers

I am using AutoDock Vina for docking. I am successful in running the program and also was able to split the 10 docked conformation using VINA SPLIT script. Now my query is 

1. once I run the VinaSplit script, I get 10 different conformations of the same ligand. For example I have attached the first best conformation file namely out_ligand_1.pdbqt . Such file many times contains improper PDB format having ROOT and ENDROOT or sometimes BRANCH  and ENDBRANCH   or some times both as in the example I have provided.  

Such file after merging with protein PDB file wont get opened in 2D interaction analysis tools like LigPlot+. After opening the first confirmation file of ligand in some supported visualizer and then re-saving and re-merging the file into receptor PDB file solves the problem with LigPlot issue.

Now my query is what are that ROOT , ENDROOT or BRANCH , ENDBRANCH. how to convert them to native pdb formats when I have 100s or 1000s of molecules after docking???

2. The merged file when successfully read in LigPlot+and generates the 2D interaction, further the 3D representation obtained from the PyMol sometimes looks like the another file I have attached namely Rg.png. Now my query is what are those extra lines in the pentagon structures?. Why and when do they appear?

Ultimately are there any alternatives that are possible tools and methods that can be more successful that what I am using now???

Please suggest me free softwares.

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