12 Questions 15 Answers 0 Followers
Questions related from Sandeep Telkar
Through subtractive genomics approach between pathogenic bacteria and human host, I have deduced 11 proteins, which can be potent drug targets (non homologous to host, essential to pathogen and...
26 July 2017 6,157 1 View
Kindly look into the link below. Its regarding Indian demonetization 2016. It is a commerce students project. Kindly share the link and complete the survey which contains 15 simple...
16 April 2017 7,404 6 View
All RGs I have 3 questions regarding LigPLot? 1. Can I batch process the LigPlot that we run individually (results of virtual screening - same protein different ligand) 2. Where exactly the...
10 October 2016 7,109 3 View
Is energy minimization of a ligand and a protein compulsory before performing in silico protein-ligand docking? (I use AutoDock Vina for docking) If yes, Why and what tools can be used for both...
24 August 2015 4,010 5 View
Dear AutoDockers I am using AutoDock Vina for docking. I am successful in running the program and also was able to split the 10 docked conformation using VINA SPLIT script. Now my query is 1....
23 August 2015 8,136 3 View
Dear RG mates, I want to track the evolution of a protein. I just have its sequence. I performed BLASTp at NCBI, but it shows several repeated sequences from the same organism. I want to know are...
13 January 2015 8,201 5 View
I want to identify core genome among approximately 70 strains of a species of bacteria whose genomes are completed. Any one among them can be considered as a reference over the remaining strains....
17 October 2014 10,000 7 View
I am going to perform a local BLAST and want to download human proteome for the same. I searched it in NCBI FTP, so from where can I download the latest version of human proteome data set.
22 July 2013 3,916 2 View
I have 6 unique pathogen proteins of interest which have unique pathway when compared to host. I want to simulate and quantify the effects of all of these in both presence and absence of them....
11 July 2013 5,377 1 View
I am in search of a FREE tool (or at least free for academics) that can extract GO annotation for a given protein fasta sequence just like Blast2GO?
01 July 2013 2,337 9 View
What is the cut off e value to be taken care of while BLASTing pathoprotein against homo sapiens as a host proteome in subtractive genomics? If possible please do provide references for selecting...
29 May 2013 197 3 View
Can anybody tell me the best available tool for identifying synteny blocks among multiple pathogenomes? I have already tried SyMap, I found it to be OK, but I'm still in search of a better tool...
28 May 2013 2,031 4 View