Can any one tell me at the time of Moderation test, mediating construct will be in the model or without mediating construct, we need to test the moderation?
In my model I have one IV, One mediator and One DV and One moderator.
It sounds like you need to decide between "Mediated Moderation" or "Moderated Mediation". Both are available in Hayes' PROCESS Macro that can be freely added to SPSS. If you'd like to learn more, you can find a gentle introduction (and further readings) here:
The model is as it as. If your model already contain mediator and you want to test moderator, you just test the moderator in the path you want to test.
If you test the moderator in the path that involve mediator, then you might be interested to know whether the moderated mediation occur or not in that particular path.
If you are not interested about moderated mediation, just ignore it and test the moderator as usual in the path that you have stated earlier.