i have obtained an additional peak in XRD at 31.7 degree. so i want to get the idea about this peak few articles mentioned it but not showing angle values.
Could you post an image from your diffractogram? I would not expect much help from JCPDS or PDF. There diffraction patterns are saved which are consistent with crystalline phases, i.e. all peaks match to a 3D translation lattice. If there is a single peak which suddenly appears, ir mostly indicate some experimental error like a "random" peak from the substrate. Possible is also a superlattice, but also this has to match to all other phases. A second phase is not that reliable since no phase has only one reflection. Therefore, it is the best way to send a picture in order to show, what do you "see". Possible, other people see "more" or "different things" :-)?
More interesting is reproduce the diffraction pattern from available free software as Power Cell a powerful and easy to use program; you only need the space group, lattice parameters and wyckoff positions.