I attended a training to learn Hydrological Modelling Using SWAT, which is a widely used model, back in 2018.
We discussed about the details regarding calibration and validation of a model and were told that 7:3 is like a golden ratio for calibration and validation. Basically, if you have 10 years of observed data, you calibrate the model for 7 years and validate the same for 3 years. As a beginner in hydrological modelling back then, I engrained this piece of information in my brain.
But as I keep reading through various research materials, I have realised that there is no obvious pattern or thumb rule for this. I recently read a paper which calibrated a model for 1 year worth of observed data while validating the same for 5 years.
So I'd like to know your approach when you work with a hydrological model and the factors which influence your decisions on how much to calibrate or validate.