I've been blotting for LC3B repeatedly and I sometimes get this problem where I have a blurred band around the LC3II mark and no sign of LC3I. Now that could be the two bands blurring together or it could be just that there's too much signal for LC3II for LC3I to show. I notice when running my gel that the ladder is starting to blur from the 35kDa point onwards. I'm using a 15% gel and tris-glycine buffer. I have tried running my gels slowly (at 70V) and at a normal pace (120V). I don't think the problem is the transfer or samples as the blurring is showing in my ladder and I have had this work previously with distinct bands for LC3I and II before. Can anyone please give me some explanation as to what is going on here because I'm driving myself crazy trying to figure this out. As you can see from the attached picture, my B-Actin (top) is a normal clear band, but the LC3 (bottom) is just a mess.

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