I had previously posted the following query: "We are interested in trapping invasive Jackson's chameleons in the wild, any ideas?" We want to control/eliminate chameleons from native habitat. As a follow-up, I had an idea. The ‘io was listed as an endangered species in 1967 under the Federal Endangered Species Act because little was known about this species and raptors worldwide were experiencing significant declines. Today they are only known to breed on Hawaii Island, though historically had a wider distribution including multiple islands. Thinking about the recent rebound of endemic Hawaiian Hawk populations on the Big Island, it occurred to me that if we could release a handful of these birds on Oahu, we could potentially accomplish re-establishment of this endangered species and possibly bring a native Hawaiian predator over to control an ecologically damaging lizard. Raptors constitute major natural predators of chameleons in eastern Africa, as well as other regions.