Which of this is more perspective to learn?

How beginner can choose what to learn?

According to William Bolstad (2007) there are many adventages of Bayesisn stat:

"1. The “objectivity“ of frequentist statistics has been obtained by disregarding

any prior knowledge about the process being measured. Yet in science there

usually is some prior knowledge about the process being measured. Throwing

this prior information away is wasteful of information (which often translates

to money). Bayesian statistics uses both sources of information: the prior

information we have about the process and the information about the process

contained in the data. They are combined using Bayes’ theorem.

2. The Bayesian approach allows direct probability statements about the parameters.

This is much more useful to a scientist than the confidence statements

allowed by frequentist statistics. This is a very compelling reason for using

Bayesian statistics. Clients will interpret a frequentist confidence interval as a

probability interval. The statistician knows that this interpretation is not correct

but also knows that the confidence interpretation relating the probability

to all possible data sets that could have occurred but didn’t; is of no particular

use to the scientist. Why not use a perspective that allows them to make the

interpretation that is useful to them.

3. Bayesian statistics has a single tool, Bayes’ theorem, which is used in all situations.

This contrasts to frequentist procedures, which require many different


4. Bayesian methods often outperform frequentist methods, even when judged by

frequentist criteria.

5. Bayesian statistics has a straightforward way of dealing with nuisance parameters.

They are always marginalized out of the joint posterior distribution.

6. Bayes’ theorem gives the way to find the predictive distribution of future

observations. This is not always easily done in a frequentist way.

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