Hello people,

I am interested in one delicate stuff, whatever happened to me during the data analysis. My issue is the following:

I have one dependent variable - Trust In Ad. I am doing Linear Regression to measure the impact of Facebook Involvement on Trust in Ad and it goes smooth, with all the Sig. p=0.000 and stuff. 

However, when I want to measure and compare impact levels of Product Quality Perception and Facebook involvement (thus, I am including to independents in analysis: Product quality perception and Facebook involvement), something goes wrong for Facebook Involvement variable. Sig. level, in coefficient table, is more than 0.05 (p=0.256). Therefore, it implies that this data is statistically improper to be used. 

In short, when I do impact of Facebook Involvement solely everything seems normal and I guess Sig.=0.000 which is good, while including Quality perception variable with Facebook involvement messes with the latter's sig level and it becomes more that 0.05.

What can be the reason of that can you advise me? Am I doing something wrong?

I will Attach the SPSS output for both cases: 1. Facebook Involvement's impact on Trust and 2. Facebook Involvement and Product quality perception's impact on Trust. Both of them are done with Linear Regression.

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