Reservoir Engineering

1. What is the very purpose of replacing ‘hydraulic head’ by ‘pressure head’ in PE?

2. Whether the concept of ‘total head’ could afford to ignore kinetic head in the vicinity of production well?

3. If the pressure difference (Δp) equals specific weight (γ) times head difference between two cross sections (ΔH), then, what exactly we mean by ‘weight of unit volume of fluid’ – given brine, oil and gas in a petroleum reservoir?

4. If fluid productivity index could be described as oil recovery per unit time under unit pressure difference (driving force/flow resistance/Δp = kA/μL), then, what exactly is the role of pore-size and porosity in dictating the resulting productivity index?

5. If Reynolds number (Re) in a petroleum reservoir is defined as a function of square root of permeability {Re = [(density)*(Darcy flux)*sqrt(k)]/[(1750)*viscosity*(porosity)**(3/2)]}, then, how exactly could we define the characteristic length associated with a petroleum reservoir?

6. When we ignore solid dynamics of reservoir rocks and consider only the fluid dynamics of reservoir pore fluids, whether the equation of state indicating the relationship between pressure, volume & temperature remains justified for reservoir rock also, in addition to its application for reservoir pore fluids (water/oil/gas)?

7. Whether both pressure and saturation is required to be continuous while solving the continuity equation or mass conservation equation that essentially represents the mathematical expression that connects the physical quantities in the reservoir?

Are we really solving continuity equation when both pressure and saturation remain continuous?

Whether the currently used continuity equation really describe all the mechanical phenomena and motion laws in the processes of reservoir fluid flow?

If yes, then, why do we seek EoS explicitly that describes the changes of fluid (oil/water/gas) density or rock porosity with pressure for the petroleum reservoir system?

8. When exactly could we treat the inner boundary condition to be defined either by a constant BHP or a constant production rate; and outer boundary condition to be defined either by a constant pressure or by a closed boundary?

9. Apart from capillary pressure equation (auxiliary equation), when exactly, fractional flow equation really help to obtain the solution of the differential equation governing the multi-phase fluid flow through a petroleum reservoir (in addition to using initial and boundary conditions)?

10.                  In the context of REV, would it remain feasible to deduce the smallest volume that could be representative of the entire petroleum reservoir system?

If not, how exactly are we describing the mass conservation equation (continuity equation) which essentially describes a relationship between the amount of reservoir fluids entering and leaving the REV and the accumulation of the reservoir fluids remaining in the REV?

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