27 October 2015 15 4K Report

Hi everyone,

I am following a protocol for extracting lipids from liver tissue for a cholesterol assay. The protocol calls for adding a 2:1 chloroform:methanol mixture, homogenizing, and rotating at 4C overnight. The next day, KH2PO4 is added and the mixture is split into three phases. The lower phase contains the lipids as well as chloroform, which must then be evaporated by drying in a stream of nitrogen.

I do not have access to inert gas, so I was looking for an alternative to this step. I read somewhere that an air stream can be used if butylated hydroxytoluene is added to prevent oxidation. I don't have access to a speed vac either. Could I just evaporate the chloroform in the hood for a few hours without compromising the samples? 

Thanks !

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