You can use a very simple method: simply remove an aliquot of the media with the floating cells in it, then add a small amount of an MTT solution. If the cells do not turn blue in a couple of hours, they are dead. Or simpler you can check membrane integrity adding to an aliquot of the media with the cells in suspension a small amount of trypan blue and then put an aliquot in a counting chamber: if the cells are stained they have no more membrane integrity and they are dead
It is very likely in these two cell lines that the cells you find floating are dead. It take some time for HT29 cells, when passed, to get attached again, so maybe 24h after seeding you may they still can have a very small and round shape but they should be ok. As people said, using trypan blue could be an easy way to check it. Also, if you have a lot of floating cells, you could collect the media and re-seed them. If they are alive they should attach and grow.