Going by the Three Component Model of Attitude, it may be concluded that attitude actually determines the behavior towards an object. The primary cue from the object ignites our logical thereby comprising the cognitive component of attitude. Depending upon the logical outcome of the rational judgement we develop feelings (either positive or negative or neutral), thereby comprising the conative component of attitude. The conative component drives the actual behavior of the individual towards the object. Thus attitude can definitely be predictors of behavior. Though external environmental factors do have a significant role to play.
The integrative model of behavioral prediction (Fishbein, 2000) is definitely a good place to start answering the question. It mainly draws attention to skills and environmental barriers as moderators of the intention-behavior relationship.
I would not neglect either the role of emotions, a classical paper being Allen et. al. (1992): A Comparison of Attitudes and Emotions as Predictors of Behavior at Diverse Levels of Behavioral Experience.