Due to economic and ethical reasons, the  use of in vitro tests in ethnopharmacological studies has become very popular and widespread (despite the fact that in vivo models give a more accurate reflection of the activity of substances). Alpha amylase and alpha glucosidase are the enzymes commonly used in in vitro evaluation of anti-diabetic activity. Inhibition of these enzymes in the GIT delay carbohydrate digestion, causing a reduction in the rate of glucose absorption and consequently reducing the postprandial blood glucose levels. I believe that the use of these enzymes is only suitable and appropriate for anti-diabetic compounds that act this way. Consequently, using only these enzymes to screen for anti-diabetic compounds will screen out anti-diabetic compounds that operate through different mechanisms. I NOW WISH TO KNOW IF THERE ARE OTHER ENZYMES THAT COULD BE USED IN VITRO TO EVALUATE ANTI-DIABETIC ACTIVITY OF SUBSTANCES. I would be grateful if relevant literature is cited (or uploaded) to support any given answer. 

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