My laboratory received a donation of Waters HPLC system (Detector 2487, Multi-solvent delivery system, 600E series) from Seeding Labs, Boston last year but the equipment is not in use due to need of the software. Anybody who can can come to our aid?
I did not work in your instrument model and i am not aware of software support for your instrument. Please check with the "Waters" Engineers, What are the software can support for your model-instrument. at present I have "Agilent -Chemstation software, Class-VP- Shimadu"
Millennium, Empower-2- Waters and Chromeleon-Dionex may support to your instrument.
Thanks for the suggestion. I have attached the Waters engineers but have never responded. The Millennium software will do; as well as the others you have proposed. Still seeking anybody to donate or tell me how to get any of these software.
Water's software is a propriety item. They have a security key system. If any of the water's 600 users (or any other system) wants to install the software, first he will De-install from previous computer system. They have two software Millennium and Empower. Now a days only Empower's various versions are available. Best for you talk to Water's local dealer for getting this software with complete detail or ask for visit first. If you have more than one system pl ask for multiple user version. If you need any help regarding operation of the same. You are most welcome.
i agree with Ajay, Chromeleon, empower, clss-vp are comes with software key (dongle); only agilent chemstation is dongle free software and can use as normal software;
i provide the chemstation software if your system support for the same.