Hello everyone! I am using the Ambion Firstchoice RLM-RACE kit to get both extremes of two mRNA from a Diatom. For the 3'-RACE i did't experience any complication, but so far I am still not able to get the 5'-end in any of the two targets. I have tried with different amounts of input RNA and different samples, always following the manufacturer's instructions, without success. 

The expression of the mRNA was checked by RTPCR with internal primers. Even after finishing 5' protocol I am able to amplify both genes (so RNA/cDNA is not being degraded)...but when I do the nested PCR using the combination of the 5'adapter primer and my specific primer (outer and inner) I just don't get anything. I also increased extension time during PCR to 1.5 min (the expected size of the fragments is less than 600bp) to be sure that the partial fragment will be amplified, but nothing. 

I am afraid that the adapter is not getting attached properly to the 5'-end...does anyone know why this could happen? Is it possible to check after all 5'-RACE steps that they actually worked well?...Any advice you can give me?

Thanks a lot!!

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