From Geneious support "Thank you for your email, I'm afraid we no longer offer perpetual license for Geneious."

20 years ago, we all switched from VectorNTI to Geneious.

At that time, it was the beginning of whole genomes sequencing, VNTI was the leader of the market but had the really bad idea to move from cheap academic perpetual licenses to expensive annual licenses. Geneious was new, user friendly and free.

We had the impression to fight against the system and to build a new world, with also the birth of open access movement.

Few years ago, Geneious became important on the market and moved from free licenses to cheap academic licenses (annual or perpetual). VNTI lost almost all its customers and was bought by ThermoScientific.

2020, VNTI is dead, Geneious is leader of the market and no longer offers perpetual licenses but only expensive annual licenses.

Why does Geneious did not learn from the past and the history of its concurrents?

Now, all academics will begin to search for better alternatives (even free), especially at that time of big data.

In 5-8 years, Biomatters will sell Geneious.

In 20 years, Geneious will be dead.

Too bad. It was a tremendous software but greed is definitely a cardinal sin.

Without academics, there is no market for these kind of softwares.

A now former angry and so disappointed customer.

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