Ashraf, J., Ansari, M., Khan, H. et al. Green synthesis of silver nanoparticles and characterization of their inhibitory effects on AGEs formation using biophysical techniques. Sci Rep 6, 20414 (2016).
many thanks for sharing this important technical question which will certainly be of broad interest to other RG members as well. The green synthesis and characterization of silver nanoparticles continues to be a hot research topic. In this context please have a look e.g. at the following potentially useful articles which could help answering your question:
Rapid method to estimate the concentration of citrate capped silver nanoparticles from UV-visible light spectra
Article Rapid method to estimate the concentration of citrate capped...
Size-controlled silver nanoparticles synthesized over the range 5–100 nm using the same protocol and their antibacterial efficacy
Article Size-controlled silver nanoparticles synthesized over the ra...
Fortunately both articles are freely available as public full texts on RG. Moreover, there is a vast body of relevant literature on silver nanoparticles available in the literature. To find and access other helpful articles you can use the "Search" function of RG. Just search for "silver nanoparticles" and then click on "Publications":