Our lab is looking for any information you may have to offer regarding an ELISA competitive antibody test that we have developed and are in the process of validating. Briefly, the basis of our test is as follows:
coat plate with antigen block
add unknown serum (potentially with specific antibody)
add specific/known rabbit antiserum to the antigen on the plates
add anti rabbit HRP develop color with TMB substrate (if antibody is present in the unknown sample, it will reduce the absorbance that we expect with the known rabbit/anti rabbit combination and we can then calculate % inhibition).
Something that we have noticed repeatedly is that the higher the unknown serum concentration of some of the samples that we add to the test, the higher the absorbance, compared to a no serum control. Since we are looking for a reduction in the absorbance, this is a very big problem and it may be masking any antibodies that are present.Should we be substituting our conjugated secondary antibody with alkaline phosphatase?
Thanks so much in advance for any bit of information you may have and while I have your attention, I would also like to know if your lab has any way of getting any known SARS-CoV2 naturally infected serum (any species) that would help us in validating our ELISA. Our Biosafety Permit allows it.