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Questions related to XRD Analysis
Generally grain size increases with increased film thickness but it is decreasing in my case. What could be the probable reason for this?
09 September 2014 5,641 6 View
Please tell self passivated graphene quantum dots xrd peak.
09 September 2014 9,555 6 View
I have a few SEM micrographs in hand but I couldn't tell exactly what is those samples. Could anyone help me to identify or maybe suggest the nature of these samples (including the minerals)?...
09 September 2014 1,234 10 View
I prepared a sample which contains mixture of compounds and i got XRD pattern for the same but I need to calculate the percentage of composition of each compound through Rietveld refinement...
09 September 2014 2,417 4 View
XRD analysis of Ceramic formed shows the presence of TiB2 and TiB phases, how will you distinguish both and how did TiB phases formed along with TiB2
09 September 2014 5,581 4 View
I have sample of LaSrMnO4 which is deposited on STO100 Substrate, and i want to calculate radius of curvature of thin film and as well as substrate with the help of rocking curve measurement by...
09 September 2014 7,446 2 View
For example how to compare the results obtained in XRD patters and SAED patterns?
09 September 2014 6,123 1 View
Hello, does anyone know a good concise basic introductory book or other kind of source or course where I can find a good introduction to XRD with applied solved problems? My field of research is...
08 August 2014 9,556 7 View
I am analysing XRD pattern of a microalloyed steel with GSAS. It is constant wavelength pattern with both Kalpha and Kbeta radiations. Everything seems to be fine except [200] peak which doesn't...
08 August 2014 7,197 7 View
Peak shape functions for determine %crystallinity by XRD. And if I would like to determine %crystallinity from XRD peak by use Jade program what shape function I should used?
08 August 2014 5,626 8 View
We are working about influence of optical, electrical and structural properties of AlN thin film under various deposition conditions. We deposited AlN on the quartz substrate under 100,300,400...
08 August 2014 8,275 6 View
I have stabilized tetragonal phase of solid electrolyte at room temperature and this phase is fully ordered at RT. But it is found to be disordered tetragonal beyond ~450 deg. C. this order-...
08 August 2014 7,161 7 View
What will be the XRD peak 2 theta values for activated carbon containing Chromium i metal or oxide form?Anyone has done such works?
08 August 2014 3,887 3 View
I have gone through many publications, books for eg: Powder diffraction files, Inorganic phases and Marine Manganese deposits by Glasby etc. and also online in webmineral data but could not...
11 July 2014 2,610 4 View
M-type barium hexaferrite is known to be a hard magnetic material with a typical coercivity of few thousand Oe. Upon substitution of Fe ions by certain metallic ions and sintering at high enough...
07 July 2014 4,076 9 View
I am expecting surface passivation of nZVI at neutral pH. However, when I analyse my sample using XRD, the intensity of my a-Fe was higher than during reaction and no iron oxide formation detected...
07 July 2014 7,109 2 View
XRD analysis of concrete containing rice husk ash.
07 July 2014 8,602 2 View
can anybody explain about finding FWHM
07 July 2014 8,679 3 View
What are the parameters get this refinement?
07 July 2014 2,934 5 View
I have cadmium sulfide nanoparticles which I am unable to crystallize (I tried dissolving in various solvents but I could not), so I got powder XRD done. But is it possible to analyze the 3D...
07 July 2014 6,840 2 View
Is it Lorentz polarization factor is come from pseudo-voight function fitted from the XRD data. Some of them cation distribution calculated from the FTIR vibrational frequency? Please try to solve...
07 July 2014 269 1 View
In order to calculate the crystallinity of a polymer nanocomposite, I would like to use XRD. But it is difficult to deconvolute the XRD pattern coming from crystallin part and amorphous part...
07 July 2014 9,971 7 View
Energy dispersive X- ray spectroscopy (EDS or EDX) Wavelength dispersive X- ray spectroscopy (WDXRF or WDS) If we have ZnO/Si which one detects oxygen?
07 July 2014 8,435 3 View
How can I find the FWHM from an XRD graph?
07 July 2014 9,859 16 View