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Questions related to Waves
Would you happen to know the word/concept properly? Do you understand the language (word/concept) correctly? Can you properly develop any cultural, scientific, or cognitive field? Can you add new...
24 March 2023 937 5 View
1) Newman (1994, Applied ocean research) provided the formula which is widely referred, and the component due to gravity is missing from the paper. 2) Senjanovic (2008, Ocean Engineering) shows a...
24 March 2023 4,127 2 View
Hello, In different articles about reflector antennae, I see the writers provide feed source taper value( for instance in the level of -10dB to -15dB).I need to know how to obtain this value for...
24 March 2023 5,754 1 View
Is atmospheric pressure always equal to one & do atmospheric pressure act in all directions & which type of pressure is the same in all directions?
23 March 2023 1,188 2 View
By whole-body I mean a single dynamic measurement that contains the health measures for a bridge. Not, for example where multiple vibration sensors are placed at locations and their data...
20 March 2023 471 1 View
Somewhere in the world there must be a bunch of scientists working to establish a more accurate value for the mass of the electron. NIST publishes an updated value every 5 years, so I assume...
20 March 2023 7,973 15 View
Dear Colleagues, There has been a substantial increase in the intensity, frequency, and duration of extreme natural events (e.g., hurricanes, storms, tsunamis, and landslides) over the past four...
20 March 2023 1,855 0 View
Does anyone know of any laboratory measurements demonstrating the nonlinear pulse excitation of magnetoplasmas? I did a thesis back in 1971 using baseband high voltage picosecond pulses showing...
16 March 2023 2,688 0 View
Abaqus is a popular finite element analysis software used for simulating a wide range of engineering problems. One of the unique features of Abaqus is the ability to incorporate user-defined...
14 March 2023 1,321 2 View
Dear Concern, I am using Wire Myograph Technique to do a vascular reactivity experiment. The data is generated in the LabChart software from which we need to extract the required values (i.e....
27 February 2023 4,461 2 View
I'm trying to use the sources of "Numerical Recipes" related to Fortran 90, but I can't figure out which libraries to compile before using these "Recipes".
24 February 2023 4,984 1 View
I have to design a body matched antenna to measure sugar level.
14 February 2023 8,674 5 View
Hello, I'm COMSOL newbie working on cluster computing. I'm using distributed parametric sweep mode, in which each server node solves a single problem (ex. Node 1 - Inlet fluid velocity 1m/s, Node...
06 February 2023 1,130 1 View
How to explain this to class 8 students
05 February 2023 1,463 7 View
Hello, Is there any possibility to interpolate the intermediate files of ungrib to have more levels in the first Km above the ground ? For example instead of having by default : press_pa =...
24 January 2023 3,583 0 View
2,4,6 trihydrazine 1,3,5 triazine is found to be insoluble in most of the solvents like DMSO, Chloroform. Is there any solvent available which can remove this compound?
23 January 2023 6,214 3 View
I've been trying to find out how to set up the z-axis k-path when calculating 2D PnCs for z mode, haunting me for months. I'd appreciate that if anyone could help me out. Thank you all.
21 January 2023 3,366 3 View
Hello, I am a researcher working on GNSS Interferometric Reflectometry (GNSS-IR). The signal segments we work on may not always contain many waves. Hence, I need an expert opinion on how I should...
19 January 2023 5,488 7 View
In compressible flows, would improvements based on the SST K-Epsilon turbulence model , such as the use of AI,be a more promising direction in engineering. ten or thirty years from now, will the...
15 January 2023 3,220 1 View
I have performed the seismic analysis on steel structure. After that some parts have been yielded and some are not. Now, in case of yielding, the von misses stresses are not coming back to zero?...
13 January 2023 7,841 1 View
Dear all, I am trying to reproduce the simulation results in the paper "Design and Analysis of a Reconfigurable Holographic Metasurface Aperture for Dynamic Focusing in the Fresnel Zone," which...
11 January 2023 6,289 0 View
Based on Mental health.
05 January 2023 1,010 4 View
The ʺstress intensity factorsʺ concept is known from Irwin (1948, 1957) who linked these to the energy release rate (crack extension force per unit length of the crack front) in the case of a...
05 January 2023 9,135 2 View
I need conductance vs pulse number data for implementing in NeuroSim which can provide me the accuracy of my fabricated device for MNIST. My lab cannot afford Keithley 4200 PMU which is normally...
05 January 2023 9,827 0 View