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Questions related to Waves
Recommended software(s) for coal mine disaster prevention, prediction research project for PhD.
02 December 2023 6,101 0 View
Hi Guys, I have been working with panel data for my research. One of the problem I faced is that. My dataset is monthly based from 2010 to 2023. I was able to do a yearly analysis but for monthly...
30 November 2023 5,113 0 View
I am trying to design a mmwave reflector using CST but i keep getting abnormal results.
25 November 2023 6,685 1 View
There is a serious error in authorship of one of my papers which I don't know how to correct. Does anyone know how to get in touch with the admin please?
21 November 2023 8,129 1 View
I recently downloaded Geo Tiff data from GEBCO. I converted the data to XYZ file, but I found out the XYZ data didn’t align with the exact coordinates on MIKE 21. Is there any reason as to why...
21 November 2023 7,655 3 View
Hello everyone, So, I am trying some Piezoresponse Force Microscopy measurements using the above-named equipment. For some time now, I have been unable to obtain the contact resonance of the tip...
18 November 2023 8,757 0 View
Where on Earth is the Sun's radiation the weakest and why do tropical regions receive a greater input of solar radiation than the poles?
15 November 2023 4,277 3 View
Why don't all wavelengths of the sun's radiation reach Earth's surface and Earth and Sun emit radiation but they do so at largely different wavelengths?
15 November 2023 1,350 3 View
В Исландии целый город оказался под угрозой уничтожения –...
14 November 2023 2,841 5 View
Does radiation from the Sun affect Earth's weather and what form is radiation emitted from the Earth's surface back into the atmosphere?
14 November 2023 4,245 3 View
How do constellations appear to rotate in the night sky and why do all the stars except the Pole Star appear to move from east to west?
13 November 2023 6,340 3 View
Would you like to know about the destructive satanic practices against me in my work at San Jose State University (SJSU) and the California Faculty Association (CFA) (It causes widespread...
12 November 2023 5,885 2 View
What kinds of radiation are absorbed by Earth's atmosphere and how much radiation is absorbed by the Earth's atmosphere and surface?
10 November 2023 5,987 3 View
Greetings. I am having trouble finding the percolation threshold for my composite. I have the experimental values for various filler contents of conductive filler. Then, when I tried to plot it on...
09 November 2023 2,842 2 View
Dear Friends: I would greatly appreciate it if an expert could help clarify my confusion regarding the principles of induction heating. We have packed spherical iron balls, as depicted in the...
08 November 2023 1,465 0 View
In essence in understanding the social effects of BEV, it is necessary to accomplish a broad spectrum of behavioral adaptations with the emergence of electric vehicles. It is assumed that we,...
08 November 2023 8,193 2 View
I have a problem of designing a salinity barrier on a river flowing through a large agricultural area, susceptible for flooding, to prevent saltwater intrusion to domestic water supply intakes....
03 November 2023 2,059 0 View
Need help how to fix this warning in CST software in antenna design... "Error in Result Navigator: Unable to determine current parameters (Unable to resolve parameter expression "Aexp = ": Unable...
22 October 2023 9,811 1 View
the magnetic field
21 October 2023 1,160 2 View
I am doing a review on magnetic separators used by metal and mineral industry. I found that magnetic separation offine ferromagnetic materials is mostly done by drum LIMS and pullies, etc but...
21 October 2023 8,947 2 View
Dear colleagues, Does anyone use lippmann's 4 point light 10W resistivity meter for groundwater investigation? for VES AND ERT.
20 October 2023 1,395 4 View
The start and stop of rotating power equipment will produce non-stationary vibration, using vibration active control, so how to deal with the non-stationary signal? What kind of algorithm is suitable?
16 October 2023 1,700 4 View
What happens to the sunlight that does not reach Earth's surface and which parts of the Earth will absorb the most radiation?
07 October 2023 7,031 5 View
Why do the stars stay in the same place if the Earth is rotating and why do the stars stay in the same place if the Earth is rotating?
04 October 2023 7,832 4 View