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Questions related to Waves
Compost and Biofertilizers from wastes and Byproducts??
27 September 2023 8,061 5 View
In the Cartesian Corredinate commonly the direction of the electric field is towards the Y axis and magnetic field is towards the Z axis and the propagation is towards the X axis of EMR. Here, I...
26 September 2023 5,314 2 View
The CV plots of buffer solutions having PH 3-10 was done using CH instrument as well as using AutoLab. Both the results have different peak positions and different shapes.
22 September 2023 1,000 1 View
Why do stars in the sky stay the same although they appear to shift across the sky nightly and different stars can be seen in different seasons?
22 September 2023 8,433 0 View
Why doesn't automatic DOI add to my article? The previous two presentations had auto add but now it doesn't.
18 September 2023 7,380 2 View
I'm trying to learn SPHY model but I'm facing some issues in running of SPHY preprocessor model in QGIS 2.8.2 like GDaL open failed and while creating initial maps they get removed automatically....
17 September 2023 7,587 1 View
I hope to study phononic crystals in other physical fields, but there is no floquet periodic boundary in these physical fields.
13 September 2023 2,934 1 View
Recent papers have claimed that gravity is "different" on the galactic scale, as observed from the motions of distant galaxies. Since the light from those galaxies is billions of years older...
12 September 2023 3,406 2 View
Can a planet twice the size of Earth have the same gravity and can a bigger planet have less gravity than Earth?
09 September 2023 8,690 10 View
Can the world reach a 100% renewable energy system by or before 2050 and what is the fastest growing renewable energy in the world?
08 September 2023 7,808 3 View
I am currently investigating a breakwater and how it will cope with climate change, particularly sea level rise. I have collected wave data and doing a hand calculation method to test the wave...
07 September 2023 5,261 0 View
Dear SPRKKR users, I was trying scf SPRKKR calculations for an interstitially doped Heusler alloy and I am getting the following error in the output file : VAR(2) = 0 for (T,N,L,K,M;S,NSOL)...
05 September 2023 6,744 0 View
I am new to WIEN and have been reading and looking at youtube installation instructions. However, I have not been able to make a clean installation. Errors start with SCF calculations where dstart...
03 September 2023 9,649 0 View
I have a doubt in the resistivity survey. I hope you will clear it out. when we do resistivity survey along the steep terrain that is greater than 60 degrees, why the process of inversion is not...
27 August 2023 1,672 0 View
For the little I understand of lorentz force is that when high current pass through wires, they tend to electromagnetically attract each other. So I was wondering if, by passing high current, low...
25 August 2023 5,749 2 View
I got to the relevant article, click on "More", then click on "Add Figures" then going to the next webpage I try to upload figures but it gives me an error. Sorry for asking this question here,...
25 August 2023 5,333 1 View
Dear community, I'm searching for a S1002 train wheel stndard profile with a coincity 1:20, 460mm rolling radius and a 330mm transverse tread radius. I need to sketch this profile in ANSYS. I...
21 August 2023 625 1 View
when we do DFT calculations for Li ion battery in ATK, then li ions or li atoms are intercalated???
19 August 2023 4,979 1 View
Dear Colleagues, I would like to request various observational evidences about the existence of diverse (nucleus) acoustic waves in the interiors of compact astrophysical objects, such as white...
18 August 2023 3,328 0 View
Generally in fracture test pre cracking takes some time which depends on materials but in my case the pre cracking of an Al alloy sample with square notch is completing very soon like in 10...
17 August 2023 6,823 4 View
I have simulating the effect of numbers of layer on tensile properties of SLM manufactured titanium on Abaqus. I have used various simulation methods but i didn't see more than 2 results: The...
16 August 2023 5,162 2 View
A deuterium has no excited state and only one proton, neutron and electron each. So, these seems like the charge state of an proton. But, how can the charge state be more than +1. Or, is this the...
14 August 2023 4,539 1 View
I want to find out how higher internal examination scores (school base assessment) relate to higher external examination scores like WASSCE. I may then collect students'internal and external...
14 August 2023 8,313 11 View
I have a finite array of unit cells, completely backed with PEC. When I try to illuminate it with incident plane wave, I get strong scattered waves from the PEC, apart from scattering at desired...
11 August 2023 7,095 1 View