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Questions related to Waves
I want to project the DOS contribution of the "f" orbital for the Bi element. Standard Bi potential does not contain the f orbitals contribution given in VASP. any advice to solve this problem?
31 May 2023 6,478 1 View
I am currently conducting research for my thesis: “How will quantum computing impact banking?”, and I am eager to gather information and data from people who can provide insights into this topic....
29 May 2023 927 0 View
Which planets do not rotate and which planet is rotating backwards?
28 May 2023 409 4 View
What would happen if the rotational axis of Earth is not tilted by 23.5 degrees and which planet is tilted at a 23.5 degree angle?
27 May 2023 5,650 1 View
Hi everyone, I want to simulate bacterial adhesion by COMSOL. Can anyone suggest how can it be possible
26 May 2023 4,037 1 View
Hi, everyone. I am using the CST (unit_cell&open boundary) to simulate the refletion of dielectric interface. The plane wave is propatating from the space of dielectric of permittivity 5.5 to...
24 May 2023 838 0 View
I cannot change the substrate material and its height. I have kept the flaring angle around 30 degrees and pitch as 4.7mm and diameter of via holes as 1mm. I tried adding dielectric loading but...
20 May 2023 1,718 0 View
I am working on an Abaqus User element and have 4 degrees of freedom(3 displacement and 1 user-defined). I am working on a single element example, where I want to define the initial condition of...
19 May 2023 6,973 0 View
how we can provide external electrostatic DC voltage in cst for patch and ground ?
15 May 2023 4,800 1 View
Hello, I have a 2020 CST simulation file that was simulated one month ago. I've updated my CST to 2023 and added a new component to my simulation. But CST shows me this error: Components X: Y is...
14 May 2023 5,504 2 View
Please suggest resources or codes for reference.
09 May 2023 2,023 1 View
Hello All, I am working on calculation of differential settlements for embankments which are subjected to railway loadings. can you please let me know how to activate railway loading in PLAXIS...
09 May 2023 4,452 3 View
What is the type of delay in Mininet (shown in attached figure)? Is it propagation delay or packet transmission delay or what? What is the minimum allowed delay value that can be set in this field?
01 May 2023 6,654 0 View
In recent years, bulk cubic BrA has emerged as a promising material for producing power devices due to its excellent electronic properties and high thermal conductivity. However, despite...
28 April 2023 5,965 1 View
I am testing a biosensor system using gold electrodes.
23 April 2023 9,577 1 View
Hello, i'm using ZnTe to detect THz waveform in electro-optic sampling. I'm using the formula L*2/c to get the time related to the path length, however i'm getting a periode much shorter than the...
19 April 2023 6,943 3 View
I am trying to calculate the reflectance from finite array of nanoparticles using COMSOL wave optics module. The incident beam is a plane polarized wave. I want to calculate the reflectance for...
17 April 2023 5,297 0 View
I require assistance regarding this issue: How does a change in length of an optical tapered fiber impact the interference between different modes? If an optical fiber sensor relies on mode...
17 April 2023 8,286 8 View
I need help concerning this problem: If the length of the optical tapered fiber changes, how this can affect the interference between different modes? Is there any formulas concerning this issue?
17 April 2023 3,596 3 View
Let's say, I am sending a wave which has a Right Handed Circular Polarization and the receiver antenna has Left Handed Elliptical Polarization. So what will be the Polarization Loss Factor?
11 April 2023 3,313 4 View
Hi All, I wonder how I can use infinite elements in CEL (Coupled Eulerian-Lagrangian) models in Abaqus to absorb waves at the boundaries of the soil domain. The only available element type in...
03 April 2023 7,795 1 View
Frame check sequence (FCS) is an error-detecting code added to a frame in a communication protocol used in the data-link layer, and OVS is the switch used in the SDN network architecture data...
03 April 2023 7,071 1 View
I believe that if we accept the fact that the WQPD [Wigner QuasiProbabilityDistribution] is in fact a regular probability distribution (so there is nothing "quasi" about it) despite not being...
02 April 2023 9,821 3 View
I am currently trying to use the CERC formula to calculate the sediment flux during a period of time. I am having trouble figuring out what is the time component in the formula. My data contains...
27 March 2023 517 2 View