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Questions related to Thermal Engineering
I performed experiments with water and paraffin, both create solid phase on heat exchanger reducing heat flux, so I would like to try oil as thermal energy storage medium. Could you please...
21 December 2014 4,481 17 View
Actually, I want to calculate different design parameters for governing stage of a multistage turbine. I only have initial steam pressure, temperature, kinetic energy and steam flow rate before...
20 December 2014 470 3 View
Real heat transfer coefficient h during nucleate boiling process means a ratio h=q/(T-Ts). Effective heat transfer coefficient is calculated as h = q/(T-Tm). Where q is heat flux density;...
18 December 2014 8,105 4 View
Rubitherm doesn't mention kinematic viscosity of RT's, neither do they know it.
16 December 2014 9,303 4 View
I mean, properties like temperatures, enthalpies, pressures or manufacturers are needed? I really appreciate any advice.
12 December 2014 4,518 8 View
Quenching under pressure in liquid media allows governing of phase transformation in steels. It can be used for creation of nano - bainitic microstructure in large steel parts due to very fast...
12 December 2014 5,132 4 View
12 December 2014 5,711 3 View
What is the Shear Modulus and specific heat of MoS2? Also I would like to know other important mechanical properties of MoS2
12 December 2014 6,187 4 View
In heat treating industry cooling curves analysis is widely used for controlling quenching processes. Special standard probes with one thermocouple at the core are used to control intensity of...
12 December 2014 4,243 3 View
Is there any method by which the thermal inertia of a piece (rectangular) of material be increased. Material can not be altered; dimensions, shape etc can be played with.
26 November 2014 547 35 View
There are many research papers on study of flows and heat transfer through porous medium. Can anybody have (or links) some basic introductory material on this subject? There are many equations -...
13 November 2014 5,262 3 View
I am not able to see "Outflow" in and Fluid Flow and related modules like Laminar Flow, Brinkman Equations. But I am able to find in Heat Transfer modules. May I know what exactly Outflow means...
11 November 2014 5,070 6 View
Dear colleagues, I wonder what is the benchmark temperature gradient in vertical direction of double skin facade to upgrade from a 1D to 2D model? Which layer would you consider as relevant, air...
11 November 2014 362 1 View
07 November 2014 7,410 1 View
I read recently that "it is not possible to get second order accuracy at the boundaries using finite difference method, were as same is possible with finite volume method. Which by the way is one...
17 October 2014 9,732 35 View
In metallurgy the effective heat transfer coefficients (HTCs) of transient nucleate boiling processes are used which are ten times less as compared with the real HTCs. The original technique for...
12 October 2014 2,207 2 View
10 October 2014 2,842 2 View
I normally read the terms viz. charged pressure and mean pressure while browsing cryocoolers research papers. I do not understand what is the actual difference between them? How do both differ...
19 September 2014 1,538 4 View
for example, cold outdoor air with given temperature and relative humidity is heated and humidified with steam. whether to take dead state conditions for both fluids separately?
09 September 2014 7,997 4 View
09 September 2014 8,365 4 View
The water extract composition is considered known. How? The extract is sent to throttle valve.
07 July 2014 2,713 5 View
I am trying to design a test chamber which needs to be below 4K. Is there any book that deals with the required standard for insulation in such a case? Please direct me to anything that might help.
06 June 2014 5,799 8 View
I'm looking for respective literature in english for a study course in field of marine engineering. One of the course issues are steam plants on board a ship. Therefore I need adequate literature...
06 June 2014 792 2 View
Refrigeration cycle, probably ejectors
06 June 2014 9,755 1 View