
I have a researcher who has undertaken analyses of barriers and drivers to change in a Public Sector Organisation (Pakistan). Sample size was 300, alphas and normality were all good, for regression data was homoscedastic and VIFs all lay between 1-10 (no multicolinearity). 11/12 aspects of change were measured and variables (IV) subjected to EFA followed by SEM. Two DV variables were also used in the study (intention to adopt and level of change success). The best resolved factor model (11 factors) was also run in AMOS against the two DVs.

The 11/12 IV measures were also separately collapsed and subjected to Multiple regression against the two DVs. Best models obtained were a six IV forecasting intention to adopt and a five IV forecasting level of change success. Both models were also run in AMOS

In reporting these outcomes for publication it is apparent that the factor models (with GFIs below 0.900 and CFIs below 0.95) have reasonable fit but are not, what is considered ‘well-fitting’? Whereas the regression model indicators do fall into this ‘well-fitting’ category (with exception of TLI values).

Comments appreciated?

SEM for Factor analysis model as illustrated in AMOS Model Fit: chi2 (224) = 613.457 p < .05; CFI = .933; GFI = .857; TLI = .918; RMSEA= .062 and NFI = .900

Factor model to forecast first dependent variable (Level of adoption to change) Model Fit:  chi2 (224) = 613.457 p < .05; CFI = .933; GFI = .857; TLI = .918; RMSEA= .062 and NFI = .900

Factor model to forecast second dependent variable (Level of success to change) Model Fit:  chi2 (240) = 642.572 p < .05; CFI = .933; GFI = .858; TLI = .917; RMSEA= .061 and NFI = .900

Multiple regression model in AMOS (level of adoption, dependent variable) - Model Fit:  chi2 = 6.495 p < .05; CFI = .993; GFI = .995; TLI = .795; RMR .000 and NFI = .992

Multiple regression model in AMOS (Level of success dependent variable) - Model Fit:  chi2 = 4.939 p < .05; CFI = .995; GFI = .995; TLI = .904; RMR .006 and NFI = .994

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