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Questions related to Sociology
I often read research articles that do not appropriate describe the sampling procedure. For example, the authors mention that the sampling was accidental or purposive but they don’t explain why...
11 December 2018 5,742 9 View
I'm calculating an ICC for inter-rater reliability of a measurement on a radiograph. Rater 1 read the radiographs 3 times blind to the other reads to calculate intra-rater reliability. Now raters...
22 November 2018 5,336 1 View
Modern public administration science has a history only of more than hundred years. Do You agree that this period lacks fundamental public administration theories if compare with political...
28 October 2018 7,848 8 View
Migration, Acculturation and Consumer Behaviour
19 October 2018 9,460 5 View
For this year's religious studies research symposium at Oxford we (Jennifer Garcia, Leah Butterfield, and I) submitted the following abstract (for which we were accepted to speak at the conference...
11 October 2018 3,302 5 View
I'm looking at this issue in relation to education research in Africa, but very interested in insights from other fields and contexts, too.
05 September 2018 6,317 8 View
I want to make a chart for the utilitarian trend in sociology,
22 August 2018 9,315 9 View
Hello, I'm interested in studies focusing on the potential impact of China's present and future activity in the Western Balkans on the region's territorial governance and territorial development...
22 July 2018 8,410 9 View
I remember reading a publication or commentary about this once, but I do not at all recall the source. Is there anyone that recalls said document?
20 June 2018 2,979 27 View
Nigeria in the present age is in disarray. Quite a lot has gone wrong in the psyche of almost every Nigerian. The Nigerian mentality is strange and obscure. Many people no longer think critically...
15 June 2018 8,597 5 View
I have a bunch of SNPs of interest and I have proxies to those SNPs. How can I automatically (as I need to do it for hundreds of SNPs) identify which variant of the proxy (A, C, G, or T)...
30 April 2018 552 3 View
Is there any theoretical framework that allows for a comparative view of forced migration with "other types" of migration (e.g. expatriation, etc.)? I am looking for any work that looks at forced...
06 April 2018 3,933 16 View
I am particularly interested in how blockchain might allow for new forms of trust in the digital environment and beyond. One way of doing this, I reckon, is to find accessible use cases and study...
28 March 2018 1,218 4 View
In social psychology, polarization is a process that explains how and why individuals that perceive themselves as members of a group with a consolidated identity, tend to reinforce their sense of...
14 March 2018 5,633 3 View
I wish I could get a model/type of training to non-business students so as they become entrepreneurs in their areas of specializations. for example, what type of training to make students...
26 February 2018 4,804 1 View
A special ‘blue book’, called “DOCAT”, and an application program (DOCAT app) has been released for the World Youth Day 2016’s pilgrims. DOCAT, an official Social Doctrine of the Catholic Church...
26 February 2018 8,414 0 View
This question can be related to Western Balkan countries too...
19 February 2018 827 2 View
i need to explore the relation of higher education systems and political regimes. i need to know what kind of universities or higher education systems are the most suitable for a certain...
13 February 2018 662 4 View
I'm seeking contributions & advices about the possible encounter between the analysis of social formations and the study of quantum states. Thank you.
09 February 2018 6,110 17 View
Hi, I am in search of typical growing season for Arabidopsis in North Africa. More precisely, I am looking for the growing seasons in Moroccan zone. Thank you.
22 January 2018 570 0 View
Many sociologists prefer to study gender, social stratification, development, etc but apparently neglect the study of corruption in developing countries like the Philippines. Normative disciplines...
10 January 2018 2,965 18 View
In socio-environmental impact assessment studies, the first step is to know the context where the scheme is going to be implemented. For that aim, it would be very useful to set an indicator...
09 January 2018 3,486 4 View
If structures are nothing but the result of conscious agents' reiteration of social practices then what are the psychological and sociological mechanisms by means of which they are shared by the...
22 December 2017 8,771 4 View
For example, the issue of regional cooperation in the Western Balkan region is a discussions topic that has been the subject of some examinations. The region continues to face numerous...
13 December 2017 4,807 4 View