A social science dealing with group relationships, patterns of collective behavior, and social organization. | Contact experts in Sociology to get answers
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Questions related to Sociology
I am looking for a specific issue of René Worms' Revue internationale de sociologie somewhen between 1925 and 1927. Do you know of any online archive beyond Gallica?
21 March 2020 2,671 3 View
Can someone suggest me some works addressed to the study of infrastrtuctures (as technical, socio-technical, socio-politica, all "meanings are welcome) from sociology pov? Im searching more...
19 March 2020 894 7 View
Describe impact of situation caused by pandemic of coronavirus COVID-19 on your Academic and Research activities. Explain your action in a way to stay focused on Science and...
18 March 2020 3,150 97 View
can anybody share the code of how to disaggregate electricity consumption of residential house....if the combined electricity consumption is 360kw the disaggregation algorithm should display the...
07 March 2020 958 3 View
Hello, I am doing a research on new technologies and I would like to know how to determine the percentage of people that intend to use a new technology. I know about models like TAM, UTAUT, UTAUT2...
27 February 2020 1,539 10 View
I am looking for a correlation between excessive sugar consumption as a child with the development of adult alcoholism.
10 February 2020 190 2 View
I would like to ask for advice on how to find appropriate methodology for cityscape assessment. In my case cityscape - visual part of city (with social and cultural meaning) which is visible as a...
09 January 2020 6,403 6 View
One thing I keep hearing from people around me is that social media and smartphone usage, especially for the generations who are in their teens right now, have ruined/worsened the way we interact...
30 December 2019 5,397 4 View
My thesis-partner and I examine context level and individual level predictors effect on populist right-wing voting (i.e., Danish People's Party in Denmark) applying a multilevel logistic...
12 December 2019 7,970 2 View
Dear Colleagues, Economic policy in the European Union's Eastern and Southern neighborhood is embedded in the frameworks offered by EU's enlargement and neighborhood policies. Under these...
25 October 2019 2,706 5 View
Sociology has studied and researched many aspects of society, reasons for social and if I may say economic change, and the place of individuals in society. Memoirs of life are created and...
24 October 2019 4,081 3 View
Phd. Student, I am in the stage where I outline my research questions and research methodology. Thank you in advance for your support! A clarification: the chosen theme is the process of social...
17 October 2019 2,882 25 View
Bonjour Michel, j'ai vu que vous aviez consulter l'atlas des risques sociaux d'échec scolaire, j'ai aussi travailler sur la sociologie des jeunesses réunionnaises. J'ai notamment réalisé un...
15 October 2019 9,176 0 View
Questions that ask whether or not some statement is true are called yes–no questions (or polar questions, or general questions), since they can in principle be answered by a "yes" or "no" (or...
30 July 2019 8,423 3 View
Hello everybody, I am working on work accidents and want to conduct CDA to news about them. However, although I spent a lot of time on CDA, I have problems to how to conduct CDA in a best...
10 July 2019 4,418 3 View
Hello, I'm trying to find a model that describes how self-efficacy can directly influence changes in identity, based on the self-concept theory. So far, I've only found a hint to such a...
06 July 2019 3,671 3 View
Hello, I am looking for literature on methodological aspects of using paper questionnaires in qualitative research. Questionnaire is usually associated with quantitative approach but what with...
01 July 2019 5,573 12 View
Dear Colleagues I have three aspects in my conceptual model such as: 1- organiazational culture and its element , 2- national culture and its elements , and 3- personal tendencies and its...
01 July 2019 8,014 11 View
I'm about to start a thematic analysis of data from synergetic focus groups and online surveys completed by secondary school student participants. I will conduct an intercoder reliability exercise...
20 May 2019 5,319 4 View
Hi, I am working on a research that will use newspaper reports of a specific religious practice from 1979- 2019. My research questions aim to find the rhetoric and ideological devices used in...
27 April 2019 7,576 5 View
Is there software that has been produced to analyse the resuts of a netnography?
16 March 2019 9,449 6 View
Dear RG colleagues Women' Day: How to create awareness among under-age children to save them from "INCEST" crimes and criminals of society? Regards Ijaz
09 March 2019 9,510 1 View
Please let me know where one can publish research papers related to product design+solar photovoltaic+societal context ? Both international Journals and Conferences which accepts it.
23 January 2019 9,148 2 View
Hi Can anyone please provide me few published PhD publications on cyber warfare and International Humanitarian Law .
10 January 2019 4,200 1 View