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Questions related to Social Media
There is a lot of mental disturbance due to social media platforms. How can someone manage that mental stress? Won’t social media platforms harm our brain more than now. What about the future...
28 October 2020 4,639 6 View
Hello, For a project which studies how teens deal with social media and their interfaces, I'm interested in so-called "activity theory" (also know as cultural-historical activity theory). I know...
22 October 2020 2,564 4 View
What are the best practices based on the available DATA to counter the spread of misinformation and right-wing ideologies over social media?
19 October 2020 402 1 View
How can I determine whether social media influences adolescents' positive behaviors? e.g. Prosocial behaviors. If it is possible to determine, please suggest me the validated social media tools...
15 October 2020 4,452 4 View
Recent study shows that more than 50% women face abuse on social media - from unwanted friend request to indecent messages to peculiar marriage proposals, women face harassment on social media...
15 October 2020 1,864 18 View
Hi everyone, Im studying the relation between social media habits of customers and their risk aversion in order to create a model of machine learning to know which investment product fits better...
13 October 2020 6,155 3 View
What are the responsibilities of CSR ? What social media companies have done to protect the privacy or information of their users ?
13 October 2020 606 5 View
What would be the best big data analytical tools to determine changes in behavioral health (e.g., addiction behaviors)? The data used to predict behavioral health changes are secondary data which...
01 October 2020 9,651 8 View
Hello there, I am doing my first thesis, and a bit confused about the theoretical framework, would you please help me to find one? My thesis is concerned with cyberhate against viral women on...
27 September 2020 865 3 View
As is seen in the question. I searched online and couldn't find this value. Any answer will be appreciated!
24 September 2020 6,667 2 View
I want to research in order to finish the project one subject at the university. Actually, I do not well English as explain about this project. I hope to receive feedback from mentors and orther...
23 September 2020 1,396 3 View
Hi thank you for all your help so far. I've created a scatter graph to show the relationship between a positive response to a social media post, and purchase intent. Now, I used a Likert Scale...
15 September 2020 9,061 3 View
So in my survey, there were just 7 points Likert scale questions. The participants had to answer to what extent they agreed with the statements like "This video entertained me", and then to each...
09 September 2020 4,486 4 View
Ecological services provided reclamation of wasteland is an important issue to get more benefits. The benefits with respect to oxygen emission for human beings along with other parameters viz,...
25 August 2020 2,866 3 View
Hi, I am a student at the University of South Australia studying Information Governance. I am preparing a research paper for the topic Information Governance for Delivery Platforms. The delivery...
12 August 2020 1,312 3 View
Local search method helps to increase the exploitation capability of optimization and meta-heuristic algorithm. It can help to avoid local optima also.
12 August 2020 9,675 6 View
I have a research study that has a questionnaire for medical residents. However I am not allowed to directly email the link to them, but can post the link on the social media that residents have...
11 August 2020 9,910 4 View
My major area of research is social media in education and open education. I am looking out for policies framed for use of social media in education. I have found policies for using social media...
30 July 2020 2,758 3 View
In our study for the ant colony optimization (ACO) algorithm, we used this algorithm to solve a minimization TSP problem (Traveling Salesman Problem). Consider now the problem of finding the...
27 July 2020 7,073 2 View
Balancing the pros and cons, should scientists be encouraged to use social media? It is up to the individual to decide. A panel on ‘Engaging with Social Media’ at the 2014 AAAS annual meeting...
24 July 2020 5,673 14 View
I'm doing a research on social media protest through thematic qualitative data analysis. But there is no traditional theory that can fit with my study. How do I arrenge this theoretical framework...
19 July 2020 8,066 2 View
What are the changes that must be done in social media campaign to hold customers in prevailing covid-19 situation?
15 July 2020 4,700 4 View
I want to test a hypothesis in which IV and the moderator variable are and DV is continuous. How can I test the moderator effect in this situation?
14 July 2020 4,094 0 View
This era is apparently quite different than others in terms of learning and teaching process due to the invasion of technology. Therefore developing countries has a major issue and a big challenge...
13 July 2020 6,800 21 View