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Questions related to Research Methodology
I have a couple studies that were classed as pilot RCTs that I'm not sure if they are suitable to be critiqued using the Risk of Bias tool (Cochrane) for a systematic review. My concern is the...
31 December 2019 2,732 3 View
Dear Colleagues, Thank you for your usual cooperation. Kindly, could you advise me the best REFERENCES for teaching (RESEARCH METHODOLOGY) course to master students? Any assistance through...
15 December 2019 8,857 10 View
I have attended different universities during my study programme and for different conference and seminars, where I notice a critical number always suggested by almost every scientist/professors...
04 December 2019 638 3 View
I am searching for a (relatively) comprehensive taxonomy or list of qualitative research methodologies. A list that goes beyond Creswell's "five approaches" (likely not exhaustive, but nonetheless...
25 November 2019 10,151 8 View
My research trajectory: Analyzing Pakistan's middle class as a driver of growth; consumption pattern and empirical forecast. I am badly stuck with devising research methodology due to lack of...
21 November 2019 261 3 View
Hi everyone, what is the effect of ( "non-technical, or “soft factors”, such as culture, needs of individuals, habits and emotions)on methodology acceptance by individual? I would be grateful if...
15 November 2019 8,081 3 View
So I am analyzing data for a moderated mediation model (model 7, Hayes) and I surveyed 300 participants with a 60 item questionnaire, all likert scale, with a mix between 5 and 7 point scales, and...
29 October 2019 5,632 4 View
According to Narver and Slater, Market orientation (MO) consists of three sub-constructs: customer orientation, competitor orientation, and inter-functional coordination. What would be the best...
23 October 2019 4,960 4 View
I have used One-way MANOVA and the reviewer asked me what is the parameters and how I controlled them. My independent variables are different categories of respondents. My dependent variables...
23 October 2019 1,082 7 View
Your citation and indexes do no not refer to Patency of Foramen ovale in critically ill patients by Moorthy and LoSasso is not referenced in the citations you provide. I do not find any reason!
18 October 2019 8,564 0 View
For eg, If Emotional intelligence and Social Intelligence are two dependent variables in a study, is it possible to test the association between emotion intelligence and social intelligence?
13 October 2019 1,518 4 View
I want to do my thesis about managing emotions in cross-border mergers and acquisitions. However, I find it very difficult to come to a specific research question. I want to focus on how to manage...
20 September 2019 4,293 8 View
It is believed that children may not lend necessary cooperation to an “adult childhood researcher” for various reasons. One obvious reason is that s/he belongs to a different generation and...
07 September 2019 1,492 4 View
Hi im looking for 'Research Methodology Methods and Techniques' by C.R. Kothari 1985 first edition e-book, does anyone have this in pdf format? P.S I've got the second edition
14 August 2019 6,861 3 View
Dear All, I am currently writing a PhD research proposal on the topic "Quantification of performance of plastic fibre in concrete elements compared to steel mesh". What are the possible research...
31 July 2019 2,054 4 View
Salt stress during seed germination.
16 July 2019 8,667 3 View
How to measure randomness of a sequence quantitatively? i.e. how I can say among a set of sequences, that particular sequence is more random as compared to other ? Is it possible with NIST test...
11 July 2019 9,909 2 View
For some MADM techniques such as AHP or ANP, we can use CI and CR measures to prove the consistency of DM preferences , but I'm wondering how we can do it for DEMATEL method.
29 June 2019 7,035 2 View
I am interested to conduct research in Pakistan and China, in order to investigate the the habitat difference of Asiatic black bear. But, I want to know the field experts suggestions to finalize...
18 June 2019 2,441 5 View
We are intending to start a research project and need a hypothesis to work upon.
18 June 2019 3,203 4 View
How is research design related with and different from research methodology??
12 June 2019 4,594 3 View
Dear researchers , I am looking for studies linking biocultural heritage and rural development. What are the main factors to take in mind to approach this topic? References are welcome!
23 May 2019 2,601 2 View
We heard about some master's level research project using the internet to identify criminal recidivism but are not seeing anything in the literature.
01 May 2019 6,685 0 View
The population of my pilot research is 120 alumni students of my department. I only sent my online questionnaire to nearly 40 of them who were present in a common Facebook group of ours. Among...
26 April 2019 6,004 4 View