29 October 2019 4 6K Report

So I am analyzing data for a moderated mediation model (model 7, Hayes) and I surveyed 300 participants with a 60 item questionnaire, all likert scale, with a mix between 5 and 7 point scales, and no reverse scaling. The questionnaire consists of 5 significantly distinct constructs, with 4 to 14 items in each construct, adding to a total of 60 items in the questionnaire.

My question is, in SPSS when I want to analyze the collected data, I won't be able to use the raw data by looking at each question item separately, but will have to combine those items within each of those 5 different constructs. When combining those said items, should I average the combined item score (i.e., item 1 score + item 2 score + item 3 score + item n score / n) or should I use the sum of those item scores (i.e., item 1 score + item 2 score + ...) in my heirarchical multiple regression analysis?

The reason I ask is because when we mean center to reduce multicollinearity in a moderated mediation model, wouldn't taking the mean centering a mean score distort the distribution of the data?

Any helpful comments is appreciated. Thank you in advance.

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