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Questions related to Reliability
I've seen several programs to estimate the diffusion kurtosis parameters. Which one do you think is the best and most reliable to extract DK metric?
05 October 2021 9,580 2 View
I need to calculate a test-retest reliability but the data has strong ceiling effect so I end up with bad correlation using Pearson correlation. Is there a better way to calculate the reliability...
01 October 2021 6,960 1 View
Because after generation of patchdock result we are provided with a link for result refinement using Firedock. Please give your valuable suggestion. Thanks in advance.
27 September 2021 5,647 6 View
Dear all, I want to determine the MIC50 and MIC90 or 100 by OD600 values of Candida glabrata, and how can I change OD vs the number of cells, please explain.
26 September 2021 4,268 4 View
We are doing a literature synthesis and meta-analysis using CADIMA. We want to be able to calculate interrater reliability. How can two people code the same article in CADIMA so we can do this?...
25 September 2021 4,273 1 View
Dear all, I collected human perception data on a Likert scale (1-5) from a total of 35 participants (5 participants with each belonging to 7 stakeholder groups). I asked participants about their...
24 September 2021 8,451 3 View
Dear Scientists of Research Gate, Not too long ago I started working with an L929 cell line we need to keep in-house, and got the passaging conditions figured out. I even started cytotoxicity,...
23 September 2021 7,639 1 View
How can we determine the concentration of antibiotic pellets available with the antibiotic cartridge? For example, Meropenem concentration from Oxoid is 10 ug per disc, but what would be the...
23 September 2021 2,770 3 View
I have done antibiotic susceptibility assay for my lactic acid bacteria strains using 96 well microtitter plate. I need to know any software to interpret results.
20 September 2021 7,339 4 View
Minimum number of questions needed/accepted to check reliability.
19 September 2021 3,766 1 View
I have a ranked data where the respondents have ranked a set of 7 variables ( 1 to 7 ). what are the techniques to ensure the reliability, validity of such ranked dataset in general if any?. what...
15 September 2021 3,115 4 View
Has anyone worked with Monte Carlo Simulations to find out the optimal capacities for H2 storage sizes and methantion unit? that lead to the lowest possible levelized production costs for...
13 September 2021 648 0 View
I want to find MTBF in dynamic states how to obtain it from the upstate of the system. I have seen many research papers but they find MTTF only by taking all repairs equal to zero and in some...
11 September 2021 9,753 0 View
For my research I have to have a pretest and post-test between which there is an instructional treatment. I need to pilot test the items of (pre- post-tests). Which statistical procedure of...
09 September 2021 4,514 7 View
I am aware of Peroxidase assay kits (they measure all peroxidases, not specific). I am also aware of activity measurement of pure isolated Peroxiredoxin (not doable in mix of proteins I think)....
08 September 2021 866 1 View
Is AIP a predatory journal publisher from China? Is this site reliable ?
07 September 2021 1,503 2 View
I would like to add respiration data as a nuisance regressor to a resting state fMRI analysis. As the fMRI data is recorded at a frequency of 0.5 Hz (TR = 2000ms) the respiration data has to be...
06 September 2021 3,229 2 View
In our research area, when we are going to evaluate forest products produced and sold around the world, we usually use FAOSTAT. Are there other databases (in addition to FAOSTAT) that bring this...
31 August 2021 8,414 4 View
In panel data, cross-sectional dependence also creates the problem of correlated errors or endogeneity. While lag term or series with first difference can easily resolve the problem of...
30 August 2021 1,503 6 View
Hey All, Our team wants to complete cytotoxicity per USP , using the L929 cell line and I've been tasked with this. I've never worked with this cell line (or any animal cell lines for...
30 August 2021 4,101 4 View
Someone told me that it is recommended to validate the qualitative questions to make it more reliable prior to the interview session with key informants.
24 August 2021 7,981 4 View
Hello, For our new research project, we are looking to buy analysis equipment (FTIR, DRX, RAMAN). I have no idea about the prices range (asking suppliers for prices take forever!!!). Could you...
23 August 2021 7,971 0 View
I assumed the porosity and used the formula k=0.01*Porosity*Pore radius^2 derived from Poiseuille law. I have attached an image file containing different other relations as well. Is it a good...
20 August 2021 7,894 0 View
Because of the COVID-19 pandemic, many researchers like myself who are traped abroad, are forced to require the services of a research assistant, to help them collect data at home. In my case, I...
18 August 2021 1,611 1 View