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Questions related to Reliability
I want to gather large-scale survey responses to simple questions online. I'm having trouble recruiting from standard sources (students, social networks) and thinking of trying some "clickworker"...
06 October 2023 2,238 3 View
May I ask who knows a friend who is studying in France or Germany? I need to resource in German or French that involve the management agencies and officials of the early Roman Empire (27 BCE-284...
06 October 2023 8,341 0 View
Hello, I am trying to express the VHH that is discovered in our lab. The isoelectric point of the VHH is 7.75 and I tried using pH of 8.00 and 6.8. The gene of interest with His tag is inserted...
05 October 2023 2,899 3 View
Hello all, Seeking some ideas for adult attachment style measures with a broad relationship scope (parents/partners/close relationships), that are relatively quick to administer, have solid...
20 September 2023 9,000 1 View
Hello all, I am trying to use gmx potential with a system that has applied electric field, but after execution the error " Segmentation fault (core dumped) " is appearing and I get zero output,...
18 September 2023 3,273 2 View
i am interested in using soft computing for result analysis ,but confused among the various methods provided
15 September 2023 9,205 2 View
Hello, I plan to differentiate macrophages from rat bone marrow cells with 10 ng/ml M-CSF (in DMEM high glucose, 10% FBS, 1% Pen-Strep). My question would be: once the cells are differentiated...
14 September 2023 4,238 0 View
I want to study on the topic of conflict and disaster related topic for the thesis of m-phil or phD level. So in want to select topic for the research.
11 September 2023 2,738 3 View
Dears, For each start-up of the skids, our seawater reverse osmosis plant is experiencing some problems with the quality of the permeate water. Conductivity is extremely high at each skid startup,...
06 September 2023 5,466 1 View
I need a method to remove silica gel(silicic acid) from hydrochloric acid solution. Vacuum filtration using filter paper(5A) does not work for filtration. Please recommend alternative filtration...
06 September 2023 9,151 5 View
The journal entitled Quality assurance of Antimicrobial Susceptibility Testing by Disc Diffusion by King, A., & Brown, D. F. (2001) stated that resistant organisms are necessary when testing...
06 September 2023 7,965 1 View
Can you briefly calculate carbon dioxide or greenhouse gas emissions from heating loads? Example: 10 kwh/㎡·a * CO2 emission coefficient (kg/kwh) = ⅹ(kg/kwh·a)
04 September 2023 7,743 2 View
I have some PFA-perfused brain tissue. I post-fixed with 4% PFA and put into 30% sucrose and snap-freeze for cryostat. Now I want to use vibratome, so I slowly thaw them and put into PBS for...
01 September 2023 9,181 2 View
Hello everyone, I analyzed the composition of biogas that was gathered from 25 days of anaerobic digestion. in the result, I had a high percentage of oxygen (22%) and a high percentage of nitrogen...
29 August 2023 8,640 5 View
I have been trying to optimize the geometry of a copper based metal halide perovskite. I opened the cif file using BURAI GUI and generated the vc-relax input file. I have increased the steps to be...
28 August 2023 3,097 1 View
How can microbes be beneficial to living things and the environment and environmental factors that affect microbial biodiversity?
20 August 2023 8,903 3 View
Could anyone help me to realize how to get unnormalized EDS results in Genesis?
14 August 2023 8,483 2 View
I started with structure Optimization and then ran SCF calculation to Generate WAVECAR file. Then calculated Plasma frequency using LOPTICS=.TRUE. and following tags. is the approach correct for...
08 August 2023 7,767 1 View
After running the McDonald Omega in SPSS 28, I regularly get this statement "Omega cannot be estimated due to negative or zero item covariances. This may be due to items needing to be reverse...
07 August 2023 244 4 View
Why does the biosphere depend on the atmosphere lithosphere and hydrosphere and what happens when the atmosphere interacts with the lithosphere?
07 August 2023 3,215 0 View
I added prestress in my inp file, and this error occurs. And when I comment that line, this error disappears.
05 August 2023 7,897 1 View
I'm working on a qualitative study that will include 30 interviews conducted online in Arabic. Can you please recommend reliable transcription software that supports Arabic? It doesn't have to be free
28 July 2023 793 1 View
How to conduct a systematic literature review?
23 July 2023 6,743 3 View
I am conducting a soil sampling study to assess changes in bulk density over time, using the excavation method. The ideal pit dimensions are 20 cm x 20 cm x 50 cm (total depth). To ensure...
20 July 2023 5,041 1 View