I'm using a cox proportional hazards regression to analyze latency data, i.e. time until behavior x occurs. The model I'm running is fitted with the "coxme" package in R (which is a wrapper to the "survival" package if I'm not mistaken) because I wanted to fit a mixed model for the survival analysis. The model converges without problems, however, when I'm trying to test the assumptions of the model I get a fatal error, and my R session crashes. Specifically, when I try to test the "proportional hazard" assumption of the model using the "cox.zph" call, the R session crashes and I don't know why, because the function is supposed to work with both a mixed model (coxme) and a standard, non-mixed, model (which is a "coxph" object in the package terminology). I've tried the non-mixed version of my model and it provides the desired output, but it won't work for my intended model. I've also tried updating RStudio, so I have the latest version, but it didn't help. Finally, I've tried to manually increase the working memory dedicated to RStudio, in case the function was memory demanding, but it didn't help. Looking around at different forums has provided no answers either, both with general search parameters like "causes for R session crash" and more specific, like "cox.zph cause R session crash", but I could not find any help.

Has anyone experienced this error? Were you able to solve it, and if so, how?

I appreciate any advise I can get on this issue.

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