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Questions related to Program
Hello! Someone with experience in the NEXMD program could please give some explanation as to how to obtain the population plot from the outputs results?
22 November 2021 6,628 2 View
I am using LISREL 8.50 and during SEM anaysis program gives me an error like "The solution was found non-admissible after 50 iterations. The following solution is preliminary and is provided only...
22 November 2021 2,790 4 View
Hi, Can any one suggest PAH-DNA adduct analysis method in Venous blood samples using HPLC-FLD? Please suggest any reference article for PAH-DNA adduct analysis method in Venous blood samples...
22 November 2021 3,779 2 View
Does anyone have any experiences on using the Thermo Fisher Accucore and Acclaim C30 HPLC columns? Are there any major differences between these two LC columns? I am wanting to separate 2...
19 November 2021 5,210 0 View
I have a protein, but one of its loop has be modeled as similar to a template protein. How can i proceed with this?
16 November 2021 4,805 6 View
Intervention 1: Regular conditional cash transfer program (RCCT) Intervention 2: Modified conditional cash transfer program (MCCT) Both interventions have different targeting, conditionalities,...
14 November 2021 9,040 4 View
I have an enzyme with an active site. I want to bind a specific ligand to the site and calculate the Kd value in Maestro or any other program. Also is it possible to mutate the interacting...
08 November 2021 7,291 2 View
Hi i made a correlation study between STO density and Composition of one of hydrocarbons , once by mole percent and another by wt%, it was expected that wt% composition will give better...
02 November 2021 2,661 0 View
I am working on characterizing outer membrane porin which can bind to heavy metalloids such as arsenic, selenium. I am interested in finding the structure and pore size or diameter of that protein...
30 October 2021 6,943 2 View
Please can you help me with West African countries with similar healthcare systems to Ghana? What are the criteria?
26 October 2021 8,556 8 View
I am interested in making calculations of non-radiative constants rates like internal conversion. There is a specific function on the Gaussian package that I can use for this purpose? Or some...
15 October 2021 9,748 1 View
Dear colleague we are doing an update of the eucalypt surface all over the World. Could you please send me any avaliable information on this topic in your specific country or elsewhere? Please...
14 October 2021 9,023 9 View
The absolute electronegativity of the calculated G-C3N4 is 6.83, while the one given in the literature is 4.73, which puzzled me;In addition, how to determine the absolute electronegativity of the...
13 October 2021 7,526 3 View
Which method and which function is suitable to be used to get the target? 1. Productivity of single well at a different location in fractured cave carbonate reservoir 2. Productivity of multiple...
11 October 2021 3,040 4 View
I am an independent self-funded toxicologist not affiliated with an institution and according to the US DHHS' Office of Human Research Protection, I don't need IRB approval to conduct human...
08 October 2021 5,384 4 View
Hi there! I am looking for things like the monthly denazification reports that were produced throughout the post war years in order to assess the success/failure of the denazification program. Any...
07 October 2021 8,042 7 View
I have one group of alcohol users and have to see the effectiveness of my interventions on their alcohol use (quit or not quit). I apply Pre-post quasi experiment while repeated (at least 2)...
05 October 2021 4,513 2 View
almost structure is same but how and which manner I say it is better than Microgrid
05 October 2021 2,535 4 View
Specifically, I need to know, what program did you use to adjust the production curves?
04 October 2021 3,895 3 View
We have been using NetSim for our networks lab and wireless communication lab in the university. Now I am interested in knowing (i) If we can somehow set up individualized experiments for each...
04 October 2021 6,784 3 View
Greetings, I want to calculate the adsorption energy of ethanol in a Ni(OH)2 surface using reaxFF in the AMS program. I'm using the equation in which this energy is equal to the energy of the...
29 September 2021 2,335 2 View
Is there any reliable program that would randomly select a group of 30 people from an original group of one thousand?
29 September 2021 2,354 3 View
I have finished almost all the courses in my undergraduate civil engineering program. I want to have very in-depth and exceptional level of understanding in structural engineering. My cgpa is very...
28 September 2021 6,722 1 View
It is necessary to process statistical data.
24 September 2021 3,963 3 View