I'd like to ask from my colleagues- the distinguished social science's researchers who are focused on studying the development of (formal & informal) institutions in terms of the geographical visualization of economic development. My aim of the 20-year scientific observations is to carry out the parallels between the sectoral economic development in any point of the globe and the development of institutional relations (both formal & informal). As a general rule, most highly developed human organizations (formal institutions) on the basis of advanced rules of game are located in developed countries and due diminishing transaction costs, those institutes attracted the most talented individuals. Based on opportunistic behavior of individuals given perfection and quite acceptable rules of the game, it could be possible to argue about globalization, which contributes to rather fusion/ merge, than "clash of civilizations" (termin of Prof. Samuel Huntington).

Therefore, I am looking for opportunities to read about the newly developed area of social sciences, an an intersection of :

1) economic sociology,

2) neo institutional economics,

3) economic geography,

4) international economic development,

5) political sciences & international relations and many other fields.

I will highly appreciate your replies.

With the best regards,

Ragip BAYRAMBEYLI (Kirsehir AE University, PhD Candidate, History) [email protected]

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