I am receiving the following error when I am running a preprocessing code for my EEG data:
Error using bsxfun
Non-singleton dimensions of the two input arrays must match each other.
Error in eeg_rpsd (line 35)
temp = bsxfun(@times, temp(:, :, subset), window);
Error in ICL_feature_extractor (line 48)
psd = eeg_rpsd(EEG, 100);
Error in iclabel (line 52)
features = ICL_feature_extractor(EEG, flag_autocorr);
Error in pop_iclabel (line 78)
EEG = iclabel(EEG, version);
Error in Tokac_eeglab_E1 (line 59)
EEG = pop_iclabel(EEG, 'default');
It looks like an error related to packages and I tried to redownload all Matlab, EEGLab (with updates and new extensions), and Filedtrip but I am still receiving it. Hope you can guide me.
Thank you,