MATLAB (matrix laboratory) is a numerical computing environment and fourth-generation programming language. Developed by MathWorks, MATLAB allows... | Contact experts in MATLAB to get answers
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Questions related to MATLAB
I want to work on the energy management system on the home level and on the low voltage distribution network. For modeling and optimization which software is friendly to use like Matlab, GAMS,...
13 November 2020 7,365 2 View
Hello, I am trying to optimize an antenna array for MIMO radar. I want to start by using a MATLAB code to display the aperture and the PSF (point spread function) of the array. Could anyone give...
11 November 2020 6,669 1 View
how can I calculate latency in 5G network and what is the MatLab code to do that. thank you
10 November 2020 9,856 2 View
To improve the QoS in next-generation network how mobility is used?
10 November 2020 6,318 4 View
I need to find the transfer function for the system in MATLAB. I do know the ss2tf command but its not that simple. Please guide.
09 November 2020 4,627 1 View
The final objective of my Ph.D. work is to design Hybrid Model(s) for Disease Prediction on Health-Dataset (like statlog, cleveland heart dataset) by using Datamining/Machinelearning...
07 November 2020 2,921 3 View
Neutrosophic Similarity score is similar to Fuzzy logic. Few papers report using it for image segmentation but implementation details are not provided. If any material regarding this on how it can...
06 November 2020 3,038 3 View
For the tiltwing UAV which i am currently designing, i am going to use a PID controller which i will develop in MATLAB. I want to determine the most optimum value for the 'P' parameter...
02 November 2020 7,462 7 View
I've downloaded the VANET Toolbox in MATLAB, but there aren't any detailed documentation on how to use it. Can anyone please explain the step by step process in designing the simulation...
02 November 2020 7,439 2 View
I want to know how can we implement nakagami fading in MATLAB and get the small scale fading coefficients for this nakagami distribution in MIMO-OFDM channel. Any MATLAB code would be helpful. Are...
01 November 2020 4,548 2 View
dear researchers i tried to coupled matlab with comsol and i watched the tutorial before. but an issue was confusing of how can be coupled exactly? it was 3 ways for coupling. 1.some function in...
01 November 2020 6,634 2 View
assume there are 80 states each with a possibility of 2 actions. we have a predefined reward function. The problem is about research allocation.
31 October 2020 10,117 3 View
I have meteosat images in the IR and HRV channel I want to transform the radiance into briance temperature on IR images (3x3 km2 resolution) and reflectance in HRV images (1x1 km2 resolution)...
31 October 2020 3,958 1 View
Hey! I'm in the work of designing a controller for a zeta converter, it is a fourth-order system. I tried ways like the Ziegler-Nicols method, Root locus method using Control System Designer in...
30 October 2020 4,226 3 View
I have a continuous, time-domain noisy signal and want to decompose into low-frequency (LF) and high-frequency(HF) components using Wavelet Toolbox. But, I am unable to select the frequency range....
30 October 2020 5,446 5 View
How can i delaying a signal in Matlab script file without using simulink block? (i want the instruction of delaying a signal in script file )
28 October 2020 4,453 2 View
Are there any Earth mass Loading software for culculating Love number, Green Functions and displacements written by Matlab? Most of the Earth mass Loading software analysis tools were written by...
28 October 2020 1,929 1 View
I want to study the electronic, optical or catalytic properties of two-dimensional materials using MATLAB. What is the best way to start learning?
27 October 2020 1,902 8 View
How to extract data automatically from Abaqus history output request such as SIF of XFEM stationary crack in 3D, from Abaqus to excel or notepad or Matlab with data segregation.? I mean K1 K2 K3...
26 October 2020 9,890 5 View
Dear distinguished scholars, Can someone help with the matlab code for quantile on quantile regression by Sim and Zhou ( 2015)
26 October 2020 7,740 2 View
Dear Researcher, I am new to the field of spectroscopy, I have obtained a NIR spectra of 60 different sample of soil. then I did Wet chemical Analysis and find out the (NPK) concentration in each...
23 October 2020 7,552 3 View
I am working on a project in which I need to control the duty cycle of the pulse given to mosfet in an AC to DC converter.The mosfets are connected to LCL filter to give a regualted 5V.The output...
16 October 2020 6,425 6 View
I want to plot spatial variation of monthly averaged total fire counts for my region of interest. I am using MODIS/Aqua Thermal Anomalies/Fire 5-Minute L2 Swath 1 km data which is in hdf format...
13 October 2020 6,587 3 View
Ever since I did my last update of Matlab and VoiceSauce (Spring 2019), I haven't been able to use VoiceSauce. Uninstalling the most recent versions and installing the older ones didn't resolve...
12 October 2020 7,462 3 View