MATLAB (matrix laboratory) is a numerical computing environment and fourth-generation programming language. Developed by MathWorks, MATLAB allows... | Contact experts in MATLAB to get answers
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Questions related to MATLAB
I simulate an inductive wireless power transfer system in matlab. I set the primary and secondary mutual inductor resistance is 0.3ohm. So when i run the circuit it took high current at no load...
30 December 2020 9,715 3 View
I need to process an image for edge detection and then want to count the number of edges in that image.
30 December 2020 5,888 2 View
MATLAB Monte Carlo simulation is very common and important for UWOC. How did you realize the Matlab Monte Carlo simulation of underwater wireless optical communication? Source code sharing?
29 December 2020 5,524 2 View
I am looking for a block in MATLAB that can simulate a varying load such as a load of a house given below. this block will be connected to a power system
28 December 2020 6,294 5 View
In MATLAB path gain is calculated using following command. Gain(i,j) = mean(abs(PathGain)); %Getting path gain at every location How to calculate SNR and throuput from this? I have Ptx and Prx...
28 December 2020 7,319 3 View
Working during pandemic was the most challenging task I have ever seen. I will be sharing my experience and research output during lockdown in Indian scenario, do share your experience and...
26 December 2020 3,225 7 View
I am working with MatLab R2017a, I have to implement EM clustering. But I am stuck with initialization of covariance in it. I have to calculate covariance using the dataset which is comprised of...
26 December 2020 4,853 3 View
what is the best method to determine the dominant orientation of collagen fibers? i preformed FFT and shited the frequencies , what should be my next step ?
25 December 2020 3,530 3 View
I have completed my noise monitoring and videography ( for traffic volume count) survey ,And I just want to count vehicles moving on road , So let me know is there any code or program in MATLAB to...
25 December 2020 3,519 1 View
MATLAB Parallel Processing Toolbox
25 December 2020 4,891 3 View
We have segmented a part from grey scale image using image segmenter (app in mat lab ) and stored as matlab structure. from that structure , how can we calculate the area of the segmented part...
25 December 2020 4,222 3 View
I have a nonlinear cable dynamic model as follows, m[(∂u/∂t)-(∂ϕ/∂t v)]=-0.5 ρ_a dπCDt u|u|(1+ε)+(∂T/∂s)-wc sinϕ m(∂v/∂t+∂ϕ/∂t u)=-0.5 ρ_a dπCDn v|v|(1+ε)+T (∂ϕ/∂s)-wc cosϕ It involves both...
24 December 2020 2,950 3 View
Actully i am trying to implement optimization techniques in PV systems, I have gone through many videos, research papers to understand it but MATLAB tool implementation with programming is not...
24 December 2020 1,293 1 View
I have gone though few papers related to this problem. Researchers used NS2.35/2.38. and MATLAB. Also. My particular question is regarding congestion control . Which will be more suitable to use ?
23 December 2020 8,352 10 View
I need matlab code for expected maximization clustering of n-Dimensional data. I have searched and found code related to 1-D and 2-D. Can someone refer the code for n-D .
23 December 2020 5,289 3 View
I am working on a Turbo encoder decoder system for DVB. Wanted to puncture turbo code in encoder. I am using comm.TurboEncoder object/function in Matlab. Is there an option or way to get punctured...
23 December 2020 5,244 2 View
I need full matlab code of genetic algorithm to solve objective function.and also I need for Economic load dispatch problem.
23 December 2020 1,012 4 View
i am not able to understand how to develop a model of Scheill Gulliver equation in Matlab. Where to start. Please help
23 December 2020 2,055 2 View
Hi all; I've started using DigSilent these days. However, I'm wondering how can I export the results with high quality the same as MATLAB plots as I currently do. Thanks
20 December 2020 3,028 2 View
I am trying to work on reducing the PAPR of the FBMC/OQAM with the TR and PTS methods. for that if someone can share with me one of these matlab codes. my e-mail: [email protected]
20 December 2020 8,098 1 View
Hello, I would like to model a communication channel, but considering in my scenarios Reconfigurable Intelligent surfaces. Does anyone have any ideas?
19 December 2020 8,278 2 View
EEG-EMG acquired data from CEREBRAL PALSY hemiplegia patient. need signal data to be processed in MATLAB. if anyone knows where i can get this database of cerebral palsy patient particularly...
19 December 2020 4,033 1 View
Hello, I need to plot Taylor diagrams for some of my analysis. However, I am not sure how can I plot them either in excel or Matlab. I have searched on several sites, I could not reach any final...
18 December 2020 5,531 3 View
I'm trying to use the dvbs2ldpc and comm.LDPCEncoder functions with my own ParityCheckMatrix of size [256,512], but the issue is that these functions are using a specific size of [32400,64800] of...
17 December 2020 6,327 2 View