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Questions related to MATLAB Simulation
802.11ah simulation matlab code
16 January 2019 7,389 1 View
I need researches about "Bearingless Brushless DC motor" about the magnetic forces and the displacement of the rotor that will be measured by hall sensors,,,I am trying to build a matlab...
15 January 2019 1,233 2 View
HI I am trying to simulate an open loop brushless dc motor ,but although Ive followed the exact equations, the results are unacceptable please Ive attached the matlab simulation if any one have...
04 January 2019 6,563 1 View
Type-2 Fuzzy logic controller is considered as the improved version of the conventional type-1 fuzzy logic control. Recently many publications uses the type-2 fuzzy controllers in micro grid...
25 November 2018 6,932 4 View
The bifurcation curve generated in MatCont is displayed in the same color(blue). The stability of the equilibrium or limit cycle can only be tracked in the layout of "numeric" in "Window" by...
19 November 2018 2,768 7 View
I want to solve a reaction diffusion systems using finite element method (FEM). I need some books or paper for it.
29 October 2018 2,747 4 View
Hi I wanted to inquire where i can obtain MATLAB ANN & GA codes for understanding and then using them to optimize ROP. My objective is to compare different methods of ROP optimization &...
19 October 2018 7,991 3 View
For research work- "power control strategy of PV, FC" which system can be more feasible? Also which software other than homer is free available for design which is valid worldwide?
12 October 2018 7,412 10 View
I would like to model a chamber with fluid and to understand the temperature and material transfer occuring due to chemical reactions through pipe at the top. Is it possible to use it using...
11 October 2018 4,985 2 View
I have to simulate multipath fading channels and add randomness to it.
22 September 2018 6,573 2 View
I work on a homogeneous multi-core system I want to know how to simulate power off switching processor in idles time Matlab simulation? Best regards.
02 September 2018 3,630 2 View
The input is a circularly polarized light that is sent to a polarization conventer and I want to calculate the reflectance(or transmittance) of the fraction of the output that has a specific...
12 August 2018 4,929 5 View
As a researcher, I am looking for a mathematical models of forces that can influence underwater robot motion and how they can be simulated in MATLAB.
27 July 2018 7,203 2 View
I'm working on the simulation five level cascaded H bridge with Matlab. I design my own pulse with modulation for each semiconductor in two ways. The first one, using three level modulation with...
08 June 2018 4,690 3 View
Is there any tool in Matlab to simulate Raspberry PI especially latency, computational power and power consumption?
31 March 2018 5,083 3 View
Is it possible to use Matlab Simulation for cloud forensics if so, please refer me certain papers where we can get such related information if so ....
22 March 2018 4,703 2 View
I want to simulate a hysteresis loop using monte carlo simulation in any program, it can be Matlab, Maple or C ++, which routine should I implement?
08 March 2018 6,124 3 View
I want to simulate an interfacial disorder of an FM/AFM bilayer, how can I implement this model in a program like Maple, Matlab or other magnetic simulation program (Mumax...)? Note: I can already...
24 February 2018 2,189 4 View
Hi, can anyone suggest a simulation tool / environment / matlab toolbox for the analysis and control of robot hand dexterous manipulation? I read about GraspIt! and SynGrasp. Any...
24 February 2018 4,466 3 View
i have done simulink for simple pv system but i need that for dc capacitor link included in that
21 February 2018 4,136 3 View
I have a wideband signal represented in a matrix, such that the number of rows corresponds to the number of frequency bins (N), and the number of columns corresponds to the number of antennas...
05 February 2018 2,057 5 View
what is the difference between GAMS software and CORAL? If i want to solve NP- hard problem for example knapsack problem, which of these software can be better? GAMS ,MATLAB ,CORAL
30 January 2018 3,362 3 View
As direct personal exposure measurements are expensive and technically difficult, appropriate computer model is an alternative method in population exposure estimation. The simple dynamic...
28 December 2017 7,190 3 View
How can I create SMEs (superconducting magnetic energy storage) coil block in MATLAB simulation?
28 December 2017 5,521 4 View