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Questions related to Linguistics
I'm interested in experiences you may have had on dealing with the prescriptive mindframe linguistics students bring into the classroom when they first begin their training, and which ways you...
09 September 2016 8,445 10 View
I am currently reading research on how to foster listening comprehension in L2 learning. Most of the published research is about learners of English (ESL, L2), some studies were conducted with...
09 September 2016 1,471 11 View
international Award/recogniton for language/linguistics/communications ...
09 September 2016 2,826 0 View
I do have some confusion with the literary research and linguistic research so need a book/author/article which adress in purly literary terms quoting examples from literature.There are many books...
08 August 2016 851 0 View
We are looking for texts written by Spanish-speaking linguists regarding their academic experiences and career choices. Any text in the third person would also be useful but autobiographies are...
08 August 2016 610 0 View
In my research I want to match 2 groups in their language level (typically developing and autistic adolescents) aged between 11 to 17 years old. I will use Test for Reception of Grammar (TROG)...
08 August 2016 2,470 4 View
If yes, can you provide me some articles? I would like to know about the role of laughter in sociolinguistics. Thank you
08 August 2016 1,791 11 View
Dear Colleagues, Thank you very much for opinion in advance. Regards, Shafagat Fuzzy logic - A branch of mathematics, which is a generalization of the classical logic and set theory, which is...
08 August 2016 9,109 44 View
previous works that have used questionnaire or interview in their works
26 July 2016 7,358 7 View
In the film Latcho Drom, Tony Gatlif shows the migration of the gypsies from India to Europe as they take their music along with them; the music transforms as they move through time and place; In...
07 July 2016 6,549 6 View
07 July 2016 5,465 8 View
Anyone know how to correlate the time with the amount appeared languages, in a context of early human settlements? Think, for example, a human group that reaches South America (approx. 13 000...
07 July 2016 8,310 9 View
Many novice students do not like the subject of history. They do not show their interest in reading about the past and therefore often get low marks in this subject. Now, from August I have to...
07 July 2016 1,624 15 View
Is there any technique to group the adjectives like nouns
07 July 2016 6,989 14 View
01 July 2016 1,798 13 View
I am working on linguistic glossing of Mbendjee Yaka (BantuC10) language and I have problem with this 'tééééééé'. Any advice on how to figure out whether it is ideophone or expletive? Thank...
06 June 2016 1,800 3 View
I want to create a forum that is free for anybody for linguistic research purpose. For this I need a forum that would easily enable me to collect the written data into txt. format... Does anybody...
06 June 2016 518 0 View
The literature provides information regarding linguistic patterns for example for detecting deception. I am looking for specific linguistic patterns people (or institutions) use to be perceived as...
06 June 2016 1,956 3 View
Many attempts have been made to prove that language teaching has its roots in language related disciplines such as psychology, linguistics, and so on which adorn it with a scientific coloring....
06 June 2016 4,890 4 View
This is a question much discussed by science and technology people who opine that all research in pure literature is useless. Only research in English Language learning or Teaching or Linguistics...
06 June 2016 7,442 0 View
I'm interested how dialect is written in older text of revived languages, and then how it re-interpreted in modern day context. I'm struggling to find a way to explain this phenomenon without...
06 June 2016 2,300 3 View
I am asking this because there is a critic about both terms: A standard language is very difficult to be real, because it prescribes norms that should be used by all speakers. Standarddeutsch is...
06 June 2016 659 8 View
I would like to learn as many languages as possible within my lifetime. I've come to the conclusion that, language is an expression of limitless thought, while the expression of thought limits...
06 June 2016 8,988 31 View
What is Vespa minima Poda, 1760? Poda collected this species probably around Graz (Austria). Type or the originla collection lost.. Nobody registers it as synonym name but no one may find this...
05 May 2016 7,359 3 View