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Beach, W. A., & Prickett, E. (2016). Laughter, Humor, and Cancer: Delicate Moments and Poignant Interactional Circumstances. Health Communication, 1-12. doi: 10.1080/10410236.2016.1172291
Coates, J. (2007). Talk in a play frame: More on laughter and intimacy. Journal of Pragmatics, 39(1), 29-49. doi:
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Jefferson, G. (1984). On the organization of laughter in talk about troubles. In J. M. Atkinson & J. Heritage (Eds.), Structures in Social Action: Studies in Conversation Analysis (pp. 346-369). Cambridge: Cambridge University Press.
Jefferson, G. (1985). An Exercise in the Transcription and Analysis of Laughter. In T. A. van Dijk (Ed.), Handbook of Discourse Analysis: Volume 3, Discourse and Dialogue (pp. 25-34). London: Academic Press.
Jefferson, G., Sacks, H., & Schegloff, E. A. (1987). Notes on Laughter in the Pursuit of Intimacy. In G. Button & J. R. E. Lee (Eds.), Talk and Social Organization (pp. 152-205). Cambridge: Cambridge University Press.
The Ph.D.-dissertation by Monika Vöge on laughter in business meetings might be of interest:
There are some really excellent references listed above from conversation analysis. I would also suggest the work of P. Glenn. He did a fine dissertation at University of Texas Austin and a number of follow up articles. I have also attached one of our pieces on the use of laughter in individuals with aphasia. It gives a few references to Glenn's work and gives you a perspective from a different population.
L'association pour le développement des recherches sur le Comique, le Rire et l'Humour créée en 1987, a pour but de promouvoir toutes études, recherches, travaux portant sur le comique, le rire et l'humour dans tous leurs aspects : littéraires, linguistiques, historiques, sociologiques, anthropologiques, psychologiques, graphiques.