The literature provides information regarding linguistic patterns for example for detecting deception. I am looking for specific linguistic patterns people (or institutions) use to be perceived as trustworthy. Any help would be welcome.
Larrimore, L., Jiang, L., Larrimore, J., Markowitz, D., & Gorski, S. (2011). Peer to peer lending: the relationship between language features, trustworthiness, and persuasion success. Journal of Applied Communication Research, 39(1), 19-37.
Haberstroh, S. (2010). College counselors' use of informal language online: Student perceptions of expertness, trustworthiness, and attractiveness. Cyberpsychology, Behavior, and Social Networking, 13(4), 455-459.
Su, Q., Huang, C. R., & Chen, H. K. Y. (2010, July). Evidentiality for text trustworthiness detection. In Proceedings of the 2010 Workshop on NLP and Linguistics: Finding the Common Ground (pp. 10-17). Association for Computational Linguistics.