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Questions related to Finite Element Method
I read in some articles that it has already been done with Netfabb but I'm searching for a free software.
08 December 2020 6,898 3 View
The attached Joint.png showed and example case of a joint (2 continuum members are connected). There are 3 characteristics of this, 1. There is a Gap: Cause small amount of rigid body rotation and...
08 December 2020 6,799 3 View
Hello everyone, I want to make a Microstrip Patch Antenna for Multiband operation of the shape that can be seen in the image attached. Can anyone suggest the perimeters/specifications and material...
24 November 2020 5,052 8 View
,i'm simulating a planing hull in starccm i have defined a 0.3 seconds release time,time step=0.01,but i have tried different time stepes like 0.001 and also 0.0001 but the result was same and...
22 November 2020 4,745 0 View
I am working with a volume tetrahedral mesh, where Youngs modulus is temperature dependent. Each node temperature is defined separately and I know the highest temperature in the model. When...
18 November 2020 9,733 3 View
I am looking for an analytical solution of the 2nd order PDE as in the title. The problem would seem simple: I am referring to the case of the desorption of a volatile component from a solution...
12 November 2020 7,350 4 View
I have prepared pallets for ionic conductivity measurement. The size of the particles ranging from 0.5-2 microns. Is there any significant change in ionic conductivity and density of pallet will...
12 November 2020 2,026 3 View
Dear Friends/ Researchers, I would like to study about FSI problem in Biomechanical domain, in particular I request your suggestions for choosing software/ solver and limitation of OpenFOAM and...
09 November 2020 3,424 1 View
This is a problem of oscillation at the edges of an interval/size class and can produce error fits that can get larger, not smaller, with increasing number of terms. Without using a cubic spline...
29 October 2020 7,761 10 View
Recently I have been working in some embankment project and plaxis V20 is the FEM software I am using to calculate. But by the time I am working, I figured out the water load sometimes applied to...
28 October 2020 8,088 1 View
I try to create some node sets in abaqus in a quatratic 2d-mesh to assign boundary conditions to the model. This should be executable via a python script. The model geometry stays a square, but...
19 October 2020 3,317 3 View
I am working with cartilages that are in contact on the hip. In order to obtain a contour plot of the contact pressure I performed a mesh sensitivity test by selecting linear tetrahedral elements...
13 October 2020 8,560 7 View
When modeling incompressible materials via the Finite Element Method (FEM), typically the plane formulation that is displacement based fails when Poission's Ratio = 0.50, which is a standard...
09 October 2020 7,270 1 View
May I ask what is the current state-of-the-art for incorporating FEM with Machine Learning algorithm? My main questions, to be specific, are: Is it a sensible thing to do? Is there an actual need...
05 October 2020 4,610 1 View
I am looking for a research in which the finite element model was trained based on experimental results.
03 October 2020 9,509 19 View
Definition Math Model
03 October 2020 9,693 5 View
Please kindly suggest some good FEM softwares for the numerical solution of both time-dependent and time-independent stochastic PDEs.
29 September 2020 6,798 4 View
Free PDF Book of Extended Finite Element Method: For Fracture Analysis of Structures by Soheil Mohammadi. If not, book from other writer will also works.
24 September 2020 8,810 6 View
Dear RG Community, As we are aware that there are almost 5-6 FEM softwares available for modelling and analysis, say, PLAXIS, FLAC, GeoSlope, Abaqus etc. related Geotechnical Engineering. I am...
14 September 2020 4,350 32 View
Hi there, I was wondering if someone could guide me step by step in order to calculate the torque-speed characteristics of a Synchronous permanent magnet rotor using a FE(Ansys)-Analytical method.
02 September 2020 4,478 2 View
An axially loaded member is modeled as depicted in the figure attached. As we keep refining the mesh, the stress near the node where load is applied keeps on increasing, which indicates that...
02 September 2020 5,607 3 View
I want to write Matlab code using finite element method in order to solve the above problem but I didn't succeed because am not familiar with that Matlab programming however I have tried to give...
02 September 2020 5,078 7 View
I am working on the application of a Local maximum-entropy approximation based meshfree method to the fluid problems. As a first step, I chose the Convection-Diffusion problem to study and decided...
24 August 2020 9,547 3 View
Dear colleagues! In the laser powder-bed fusion (LPBF) process, the vapor pressure plays a significant effect on the spatter and keyhole pores formation. Unfortunately, there are few publications...
14 August 2020 4,300 2 View